Session Information
14 SES 03, Parental Involvement in Schooling
Paper Session
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Ahmed, S. 2004, The Cultural Politics of Emotion, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. Allatt, P. 1993, 'Becoming Privileged: The role of family processes', in Bates, I. & Riseborough, G. (Eds.), Youth and Inequality, Open University Press, Buckingham, pp. 139-159. Arnot, M., David, M. & Weiner, G. 1999, Closing the Gender Gap: Postwar Education and Social Change, Polity Press, Cambridge UK and Malden, USA. Auerbach, E. 1989, 'Feeding the Disease Metaphor of Illiteracy: A Critique of Predominant Family Literacy Practice in the USA', Fine Print, vol. 16, no. 2, April 1994, pp. 11- 16. Ball, S. J. 2006, Education policy and social class : the selected works of Stephen Ball, RoutledgeFalmer, London & New York. Ball, S. 2003, Class Strategies and the Education Market: The middle classes and social advantage, RoutledgeFalmer, London. Bastiani, J. & Wolfendale, S. 1996, 'Home-School Work in Britain:review, reflection and development', in Bastiani, J. & Wolfendale, S. (Eds.) Home and School - A Working Alliance, David Fulton Publishers, London. Bloch, M., Holmlund, K., Moqvist, I., and Popkewitz, T. (Ed.) 2003 Governing children, families, and education: restructuring the welfare state, Palgrave Press., New York. Boler, M. 1999, Feeling Power: Emotions and Education, Routledge, New York. Bourdieu, P., Accardo, A., Balazs, G., Beaud, S., Bonvin, F., Bourdieu, E., Bourgois, P., Broccolichi, S., Champagne, P. & Christin, J. P. F. 1999, The Weight of the World:Social Suffering in Contemporary Society, Polity, Cambridge, UK. Bourdieu, P. 1990b, The Logic of Practice, Polity Press, Cambridge. Breen, M., Louden, W., Barrett-Pugh, C., Rivalland, J. & Rhydwen, M. (Eds.) 1994 Literacy in Its Place: Literacy Practices in Urban and Rural Communities, NLLIA/DEET, Canberra. Campbell, Marie & Gregor, Frances, 2002, Mapping Social Relations: A Primer in Doing Institutional Ethnography, Garamond Press, Aurora, Ontario. Comber, B. & Badger, H. 2001, 'Literacy development and normative fantasies: What can be learnt from watching students over time?' AARE Annual Conference, 3rd - 6th December 2001, Notre Dame University, Fremantle. Connell, B., Ashendon, D., Kessler, S. & Dowsett, G. 1982, Making the Difference: Schools, Families and Social Divisions, Allen and Unwin, Sydney. Department of Education and Training, Victoria, Homework, Guidelines August 2000, (, pp. 3-4. Accessed 05/02/03) Edwards, A. & Warin, J. 1999, 'Parental Involvement in Raising the Achievement of Primary School Pupils: Why Bother?' Oxford Review of Education, vol. 25, pp. 325-341. Edwards, R. A., P. 2000, 'A Typology of Parental Involvement in Education', British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 435-455. Farkas, G. 1996, Human Capital or Cultural Capital?: ethnicity and poverty groups in an urban school district, Aldine De Gruyter, New York. Francis, B. & Skelton, C. (Eds.) 2001 Investigating gender: Contemporary perspectives in education, Open University Press, Buckingham. Freebody, P., Ludwig, C. & Gunn, S. 1995, Everyday Literacy Practices In and Out of Schools in Low Socio-Economic Urban Communities: A Descriptive and Interpretive Research Program, Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, National Equity Program for Schools, Canberra. Gewirtz, S., Ball, S. J. & Bowe, R. 1995, Markets, choice, and equity in education, Open University Press, Buckingham; Philadelphia. Gregory, E. & Williams, A. 2000, City Literacies: Learning to read across generations and cultures, Routledge, London. Griffith, A. & Smith, D. 1990, '"What Did You Do In School Today?": Mothering, Schooling and Social Class', Perspectives on Social Problems, vol. 2, pp. 3-24. Hanafin, J. & Lynch, A. 2002, 'Peripheral Voices: parental involvement, social class, and educational disadvantage', British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 35-49. Heath, S. B. 1983, Ways with Words: Language, life and work in community and classrooms, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Hill, S., Comber, B., Louden, W., Rivalland, J. & Reid, J. 1998, 100 Children go to School: Connections and Disconnections in Literacy Development in the Year Prior to School and the First Year of School, Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra. Hollway, W. & Jefferson, T. 2000, Doing Qualitative Research Differently: free association, narrative and the interview method, Sage, London. Hong, E. & Milgram, R. 2000, Homework: Motivation and Learning Preference, Bergin and Garvey, Westport, Connecticutt. Lareau, A. 1992, Gender Differences in Parent Involvement in Schooling. In J. 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Popkewitz, T. 2003, 'Governing the Child and Pedagogicalization of the Parent: A Historical Excursus Into the Present', in Bloch, M., Holmlund, K., Moqvist, I., and Popkewitz, T. (Ed.) Governing children, families, and education: restructuring the welfare state, Palgrave, New York, pp. 35-61. Queensland Education Department Homework in State Schools, July 2006. Reay, D. 1995, 'A Silent Majority? Mothers in Parental Involvement', Women's Studies International Forum, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 337-348. Reay, D. 1998, Class Work: Mothers' Involvement in their Children's Primary School, University College London, London. Reay, D. 1998b, 'Engendering Social Reproduction: Mothers in the Educational Marketplace', British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 195-210. Reay, D. 1998c, 'Cultural Reproduction: Mothers' Involvement in Their Children's Primary Schooling', in Grenfell, M. & James, D. (Eds.), Acts of Practical Theory: Bourdieu and Education, Falmer Press, London, pp. 55-71. Reay, D. 2004, 'Gendering Bourdieu's concept of capitals? Emotional capital, women and social class', in Adkins, L. & Skeggs, B. (Eds.), Feminism After Bourdieu, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 57 - 74. Reay, D. 2005, 'Doing the dirty work of social class? Mothers' work in support of their children's schooling', in Pettinger, L., Perry, J., Taylor, R. & Glucksmann, M. (Eds.), A New Sociology of Work?, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 104 - 115. Smith, D. 1988, Researching the Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology, Open University Press. Smith, D. & Griffith, A. 1990, 'Coordinating the Uncoordinated: Mothering, Schooling and the Family Wage', Perspectives on Social Problems, vol. 2, pp. 25-43. Solomon, Y., Warin, J., & Lewis, C. (2002). Helping with Homework? Homework as a Site of Tension for Parents and Teenagers. British Educational Research Journal, 28(4), 603-622. Standing, K. 1999, 'Negotiating the Home and the School: Low Income, Lone Mothering and Unpaid Schoolwork', in Mc Kie, L., Bowlby, S. & Gregory, S. (Eds.), Gender, Power and the Household, Macmillan, London, pp. 116-136. Taylor, D. & Dorsey-Gaines, C. 1988, Growing up literate: Learning from inner-city families, Heinemann, New Hampshire. Thomson, P. 2002, Schooling the Rustbelt Kids:Making the difference in changing times, Allen & Unwin, Sydney. Vincent, C. 2000, Including Parents? Education, Citizenship and Parental Agency, Inclusive Education, Thomas, G. & O'Hanlon, C., Open University Press, Buckingham. Vincent, C. & Ball, S. J. 2006, Childcare, choice and class practices : middle-class parents and their children, Routledge, New York. Walkerdine, V., Lucey, H. & Melody, J. 2001, Growing Up Girl: Psychosocial Explorations of Gender and Class, Palgrave, Hampshire. Wells, G. 1987, The Meaning Makers: Children Learning Language and Using Language to Learn, Hodder and Staughton, London.
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