- 23 -24 March 2020
- University of Valencia, Spain
- Application Deadline: 16 March 2020
- Applications to: Darllyn Muñoz darllyn(at)alumni.uv.es
- Contacts: Darllyn Muñoz darllyn(at)alumni.uv.es and Carmen Carmona Carmen.carmona(at)uv.es
- Flyer
Through the European Educational Research Association funding, the Network 20 “Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments” has organized a workshop related to different innovative methods to understand voices, spaces and identity in our societies.
We want to explore participatory approaches that, in some sense, hand over the power of the data to the participants. From these approaches, the ontology, epistemology, and axiology of the participants are more important than those of the researchers. Singhal, Harter, Chitnis, and Sharma (2007) explained that participation-based methodology allows for lateral communication between participants, creates a space for dialogue, focuses on the people’s needs, enables collective empowerment, and offers cultural-specific content.
Therefore, we need to learn and get deeper insights to expand different methods to do research, to collect data
and to integrate different approaches from a participatory and community perspective. In particular, we will open the training to different audiences and collectives.
As you can see we will focus on participatory approaches as: theater, photography, and community-based participatory research (Oetzel, Pant, & Rao, 2016).
a) The Theater of the Oppressed could be used as a research tool that produces generative and local knowledge, starting with the use of the body, the container of memory, emotions, and culture (Kaptani & Yuval-Davis, 2008). Theater has the ability to provide a useful connection to specific places as well as people.
b) Participatory photography, otherwise known as “photo voice” or “shooting back,” gives power to the participants, through photographs, to shape their own stories (Wang, 1999). Participatory photography has been used in a variety of contexts (slums, hospitals, schools, villages, etc.) and in different parts of the world (Singhal et al., 2007).
c) And the last research method will be to learn about “Community-based participatory research” (CBPR), which is a collaborative process where researchers and community members work together at all stages of the research process to address issues that are of importance to the community (Wallerstein et al., 2008).
Workshop experts:
- Sabine Krause. University of Innsbruck. Austria
- Donatella Donato. University of Valencia. Spain
- Community from “Barrio del Cabañal”, Valencia.
- Michal Meishar and Dolly Dolly Eliyahu-Levi. Levinsky College of Education. Israel
The workshop is oriented to researchers and emerging researchers interested in the topic.
For low GDP emerging researchers: EERA through University of Valencia will give a grant for accommodation and travelling for 2 emerging researchers (max. 900 each person).
If you are an emerging researcher from low GDP country and you are interested, you will need to send the following information to be selected for the grant:
- Motivation letter
- CV
- Grant Application Deadline: February 20, 2020
All the documents should be sent to: Darllyn Muñoz darllyn(at)alumni.uv.es
Dates: March 23-24, 2020
March 23 (9:00-18:00), March 24, 9:00-16:00
Venue: University of Valencia (Spain). Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 30, 46010, Valencia.