Interview with Link Convenor 2019
Network Objectives
Higher education everywhere is currently undergoing major changes as a consequence of policy initiatives intended to manage budgets in the face of increasing demands for mass higher education, changing employment needs, changes in demographics (of academics and students), the impact of the new media and emerging staffing issues and professional registration requirements.
The objective of this network is to bring together people and projects working in higher education institutions across Europe (and beyond) in order to develop a clearer picture of policies, trends and developments in different countries, and to promote pan-European research collaboration and dissemination.
There is considerable debate around methodology and different ways of conceptualising the field of higher education. We expect this to be reflected in contributions to the ECER conference, where we will be looking to open debate on changing philosophies, policies and practices in higher education as much as to report the findings of research studies and development projects.
The network has six thematic research fields:
1. Teaching, learning and assessment in higher education
This subtheme includes various topics relating to teaching, learning, feedback, assessment, guidance and supervision in higher education.
2. Student transitions and graduate employability
This subtheme considers transitions into and from higher education, employability of graduates, connections with lifelong learning, and the relationship between economic life and the academy.
3. Academic work and professional development
This subtheme is focused on the emergence of new professionals, professional development of university staff, academic/disciplinary cultures and identities, changes in academic work as well as issues relating to academics' and researchers’ well-being.
4. Policy, management and governance in higher education
This theme focuses on management and leadership of universities (including organizational change) as well as the relationship between state, market and higher education. This includes the reformulation of national higher education systems and policies (such as the Bologna Process), the role of the supranational and intergovernmental organizations (for example OECD and EU) and the impact these reformulations have on the function and mission of higher education institutions.
5. Inclusion and diversity in higher education settings
This subtheme welcomes papers relating to equality (both staff and students) in higher education including, but not limited to, disability, ethnicity, race, age, gender and religion. Widening participation and "under-represented groups" in higher education such as mature students or those with lower socio-economic background are also a particular focus. Papers dealing with the academic mobility, migration and academic diasporas are also welcomed.
6. Internationalisation in Higher Education
This theme focuses on the dynamic contemporary phenomena of internationalisation of higher education. It considers both the challenges and opportunities for research arising from policy trends, political, economic, cultural and social drivers, and academic and technological advances. It encompasses innovative cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary and transversal approaches; theorized pedagogies; novel approaches to the design and delivery of the curriculum; and how we consider academic content and quality.
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