It has long been known: “there is nothing as practical as a good theory” (Lewin, 1952, p. 169). This applies to the social sciences but certainly also to educational research, a field that ideally strives to achieve the impossible, namely to gain greater theoretical insight while simultaneously contributing to practice.
By making the theme 'Nothing as practical as a good theory' central to ORD 2025, we aim to give a central place to theory development and the practical relevance of theoretical insights. At the same time, we want to explore how concrete practices raise questions about theoretical grounding and how these can be addressed.
ORD 2025 aims to question (is it possible) and further deepen (how can it be methodologically approached) the ideal of educational research.
The Education Research Days in 2025 will take place in Leuven and will be organised by KU Leuven. KU Leuven is recognised as one of the most innovative universities in the world and will celebrate its 600th anniversary in 2025. That is 600 years of experience with the question of the relationship between theory and practice.
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