Best Paper Award - Authors and Commended Papers
- Vito Dabisch | Which child to which school? How Local Politicians shape Catchment Areas, Schools Choice and Social Diversity.
- Simona Ferraro | Local governments’ efficiency and educational results: empirical evidence from Italian primary schools
- Franziska Lessky | Time-consuming employment and student attrition – A higher risk for First-in-Family students?
- Gonzalo Maldonado-Ruiz | "Placing oneself on the other side", or how research on teachers' disposition is constructed through pedagogical documentation. A case study in Spain.
- María Angélica Mejía-Cáceres | Influences of Educational Policy on Teacher Training in University-level Environmental Education- A Latin American Context
- Ana Isabel Teixeira | Gender Equality Policy Analysis in Portugal: the educational role of Civil Society Organizations
- Corey Bloomfield | Compromised Alternatives: A critical analysis of the impact of curriculum affordance on marginalised young people in an unconventional school setting.
- Chiara Dalledonne Vandini | Managing knowledge in parent-teacher conferences: participants' resources to pursue differ-ent assessment trajectories
- Kerri Garrard | Toward intercultural history as pedagogy: a new theoretical approach
- Elif Tuğçe Gezer | Development and Validation of Attitudes Towards Values Education Scale for Pre-service Teachers
- Lina Grudulaitė | Creative space for intercultural learning of refugees and host communities
- Carmel Hobbs | The spoiled identity of early school leavers: A recognitive justice approach to re-engagement
- Bernardita Moreno | Teacher perceptions of newly-appointed principals: Benefits and challenges of internal appointments – A case study
- Marialaura Moschella | Computational Thinking at Primary School. A systematic literature review on curriculum and methodologies.
- Donata Puntil | Negotiation of identities of HE Language Teachers: an auto/biographical Case Study.
- Teresa Streiß | “Real Boys Don’t Read!?” – A Case Study On Exclusion And Inclusion In Literacy Education
- Kim Wilcox | Interrogating the Discourses of ‘Teaching Excellence’ in the Context of a Framework for Assessing the Standard of Teaching in Higher Education
- Lisa Bugno | Clues to The Winds Directions: Sailing on Teachers' Beliefs About Cultural Diversity. Results from A Semi-Structured Interview in The Italian Context
- Nora Cechovsky | Students' conceptions and misconceptions of taxes as an input for tax education initiatives in Europe
- Audrey Doyle | Approaching curriculum reform in lower secondary through complexity theory and rhizoanalysis
- Hong Zheng | A documentary analysys of evaluation standards of compulsory education quality in China
- Simona Ferraro | School-level Policies and the Efficiency and Equity Trade-off in Education.
- Kalypso Filippou | Students’ academic self-efficacy in international master’s degree programmes at Finnish universities: Analysis of students’ gender, field of study and cultural background
- Aimee Haley | Returning to Rural Origins after Higher Education - Gendered Social Space
- Xirong He | Removing the barriers to inclusive education: Chinese hearing parents’ supporting their deaf children to be educated at primary school in Beijing
- Elle Hilke Dominski | Intersectional Bullying & LGBT students: victim, perpetrator, and school and the construction of power
- Gillian Kirk | Are all play contexts created equal? A comparison of two different approaches to teaching through play in Western Australian kindergartens
- Alison Milner | No Alternative for Swedish Teachers: the recontextualisation of discourses of teacher professionalism in Social Democrat and Green Party policy
- Katharina Peterke | Language Proficiency through Conceptual Metaphor Teaching
- Anna Katarzyna Wozniczka | Capturing voices of immigrant children: Dilemmas of a researcher
- Deyun Yang | Measuring Market Orientation in Schools in Northeast China
- Oldaç Yusuf İkbal | The relationship between distributed leadership, formal and informal structures, academic optimism and student achievement: A multilevel analysis
- Natasha Ziebell | Curriculum Alignment, Planning Processes and the Impact of Authorship
Best Paper Award 2024
Submission deadline | 20 Nov 2024 |
Formative feedback given | 10 Feb 2025 |
Re-Submission deadline | 10 March 2025 |
Winner announced | early May 2025 |
EERJ presentation at ECER 2021
First-hand Insights
Learn what Sofia Eleftheriadou, winner of the Best Paper Award 2019, found useful about the Emerging Researcher's Conference and the Best Paper Award on the EERA Blog.
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