EduTopics-ECER is a tool developed by the DIPF, Leibniz Institut for Research and Information in Education. It allows an interactive exploration of abstracts of the past 25 ECER conferences (up tp ECER 2024). The exploration of the corpus was enabled by the application of various different natural language processing and machine learning procedures. It e.g. allows to see which research topics trended when and gives insights in geographic spreads.
- Learn more about the App in our Blog: https://blog.eera-ecer.de/edutopics-ecer-app/
- Discover the App: https://dipf-lis.shinyapps.io/EduTopicsECER/
EERA Constitution
Please note, as EERA is organised as a German eingetragener Verein, the German version of the constitution is legally binding.