ECER Best Poster Award

The ECER Best Poster Award winner is chosen by the EERA Council Best Poster Jury. The award process is as follows:

  • The Link Convenor of each Network nominates 1 - 2 posters (depending on the number of posters presented in the network) to be evaluated by the Best Poster Jury
  • Each poster is evaluated by at least two Jury members
  • The Jury members meet to discuss the evaluations and make their final choice
ECER Best Poster Award 2024
Sanita Baranova's poster introduces the University of Latvia's research project "Evidence-based Solutions for Effective Professional Development and Assessment of the Transfer of its Results into Practice: Research Project’s Conceptualisation".
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ECER Best Poster Award 2023
Gulmira Bessenbayeva's poster "Development of functional reading literacy in biology classes using higher order questions" presents the results of a study on developing functional reading literacy through high-order questioning.
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ECER Best Poster Award 2022
Mario Mallwitz and Sonja Nonte's poster "Potentials of Schools for Enabling Cultural Participation in Rural Areas Under the Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic" provides insights into the results of a project on cultural education in rural areas in Germany.
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ECER Best Poster Award 2021
Daniela Müller-Kuhn and Pascale Herzig's poster "Student Participation in Everyday School Life – the Students’, Teachers’, and Observer’s Perspective" argues that although student participation is required by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and many school laws, this is no guarantee for its implementation in everyday school life
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ECER Best Poster Award 2019
Tereza Tetourová's poster "The Role of Interactivity in Multimedia Learning Materials: an Experimental Study with 8-10-year-olds" focused on problem solving interactivity within simulation videogames and asked if this form of interactivity decreases or increases learning outcomes? .

The ECER 2019 Best Poster Award was sponsored by Elsevier.
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ECER Best Poster Award 2018
Katja Bodga's poster "A Systematic Narrative Literature Review Of Teachers’ Classroom Behavior In Schools For Special Educational Needs" addresses the the status quo of the applied teaching methods, teaching quality, as well as the teachers’ classroom behavior in schools for special educational needs using Germany as example.

The ECER 2018 Best Poster Award was sponsored by Elsevier.
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ECER Best Poster 2017
Charlotte Kramer's poster "Video or Transcript? On the Effectiveness of Video- and Transcript-based Classroom Management Courses on Pre-service Teachers’ Situation-specific Skills" addresses the promotion of situation-specific skills of students who are in they teacher training at universities.

The ECER 2017 Best Poster Award was sponsored by Elsevier.
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ECER Best Poster 2016
Sofia Marques da Silva and Ana Milheiro Silva's poster "Transitions to Higher Education During Austerity Times: Expectations and Challenges for Young People From Border Regions" The poster addresses a small part of a larger research project about youth cultures and educational pathways in border regions of Portugal.

The ECER 2016 Best Poster Award was sponsored by Elsevier.
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ECER Best Poster Awards 2015
EERA awarded three Best Poster Awards at ECER 2015 in Budapest. The winners of this year’s award were Dely Eliot from Network 22. Research in Higher Education, Maria del Henar Perez Herrrero from Network 04. Inclusive Education and Snežana Mirkov from Network 22. Research in Higher Education.
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ECER Best Poster Awards 2014
EERA awarded three Best Poster Awards at ECER 2014 in Porto. The winners of this year's award were: Arto K. Ahonen from NW 10. Teacher Education Research; Kendra Geeraerts from NW 01. Continuing Professional Development: Learning for Individuals, Leaders, and Organisations; Christoph Gantefort from NW 31. LEd – Network on Language and Education.
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ECER Best Poster Award 2011
The Waxmann Poster Prize had an extremely successful launch at ECER 2011 Urban Education in Berlin. EERA judges chose three winners from around 60 top quality posters entered by conference participants: Svenja Harten-Buttner, Cornelia Knoch and Anna Babicka-Wirkus.
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ECER Best Poster Award

The winner of the ECER 2023 Best Poster Award will receive a free entry to ECER 2024, Nicosia.