ECER Best Poster Award 2023

 Gulmira Bessenbayeva

  • 1994-1998: higher education.
  • 1999 - 2023: Work.
  • 2018-2020: Master of Biology.
  • 2015-present: Biology teacher Nazarbayev of the Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty.
  • Visited ECER for the first time
  • Scientific interests: self-education, school efficiency.

Development of functional reading literacy in biology classes using higher order questions
The poster presents the results of a study on developing functional reading literacy through high-order questioning. The study was conducted at NIS (Nazarbayev Intellectual School) in Almaty, Kazakhstan. During the study period, students were interviewed before and after for reading comprehension and scientific texts. The survey results were processed using statistical analysis. According to the results of the first survey, various pedagogical techniques and methods of working with text were used in each lesson, such as highlighting key words, inserting, interpreting diagrams, working with continuous and non-continuous texts, and compiling a visual organizer. For each text, high-level questions requiring critical thinking were prepared. Students were given short texts and time to read and understand. Pedagogical techniques gave their positive results, students learned to understand scientific texts and give answers to questions of a high order.

The poster shows examples of questions on the topic of grade 8 "Properties of bones".

The poster also shows the results of using higher order questions to develop analytical thinking, and how using higher order thinking strategies in teaching can allow students to approach texts with a more analytical mindset. This approach encourages them to ask questions, consider different points of view, and make connections between different pieces of information. As a result, students become more able to understand the context, purpose, and meaning of written materials, which contributes to improved functional literacy. The poster presents limitations and directions for the future.

You can view Gulmira's poster here.

ECER Best Poster Award

The winner of the ECER Best Poster Award will receive a free entry to the following ECER.