EERJ Aims and Scope
The European Educational Research Journal (EERJ) is a scientific journal interested in the changing landscape of education research across Europe. Education research increasingly crosses the borders of the national through its subjects of study, scholarly collaborations and references. The EERJ publishes education research papers and special issues which include a reflection on how the European context and other related global or regional dynamics shape their educational research topics.
The European Educational Research Journal publishes double-blind peer-reviewed papers in special issues and as individual articles. The EERJ reviews submitted papers on the basis of the quality of their argument, the contemporary nature of their work, and the level of 'speaking' to a European audience.
EERJ Lead Editors

Christian Ydesen - University of Zürich, Switzerland
EERJ Moots during ECER
The age of the Teacherbot: Artificial Intelligence as the new educational disruption
Is the Time for Green Education in Europe?
Education and the Return of the Nation: Nationalism in the era of Global Education Policies
The European Education Area 2025: vision, ambition, construction?
The EU's Four Freedoms: moving people, capital, goods and services across the field of European education
The Digital Life of Educational Researchers #newexpectations #followme @ECER
We need to talk about Europe! Amplifying the voices of refugees
What is yet to come? A ‘Moot’ addressing the future of European educational research
A Moot for Educational Research in Europe?
Research Impact and Educational Research
Education Research and Useful Knowledge - Production, Dissemination, Reception, Implementation
Education Research in New Contexts – submerged, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary
Researcher Mobility in Europe
The European Research-Intensive University
More information
Find more information on the EERJ Hompage and in the journals submission guidelines.