EERA, the European Educational Research Association, is an association of educational research associations. Every national, regional or supra-regional corporation engaged in general educational research may become a member, as long as they are domiciled in Europe.
A general educational research association is defined as an association which addresses the broad field of educational research drawing on multiple forms of enquiry.
EERA benefits are restricted to these national associations and their members. Members of a national association which is a member of EERA can claim the lower fee for the annual conference, the ECER (European Conference on Educational Research). In addition, their associations can grant them free access to EERJ, the European Educational Research Journal, EERA's scientific journal.
Please note that Emerging Researchers and those who participate in the activities of the Emerging Researchers' Group need to be members of their respective National Associations to qualify as members of EERA.
Membership Fees
The annual membership fee for each national association is calculated according to the size of the national association (<100 members, 100 to 300, 300 to 800 or >800 members) and the GDP of the country.
Invoices with payment details are sent in January to the treasurer of the member associations.
Payment is to be made by bank transfer in Euros.
Fee Structure
Size of Association | Low GDP Country | High GDP Country |
Small Association (<100) | 50 EUR | 200 EUR |
Medium Association (100 - 300) | 100 EUR | 400 EUR |
Large Association (>300 - 800) | 200 EUR | 800 EUR |
Very Large Association (>800) | 0,50 EUR /member | 1 EUR /member |
Candidate Members
For countries where no general educational research association has been established so far, other legal entities, with a reference to general educational research e.g. university with a pedagogical department, may apply for candidate membership.
As soon as a national, regional or supra-regional corporation for general educational research of this country has joined the association, the membership of the candidate member from the country concerned shall end.
Candidate members shall support the set up of an general educational research association within their country and be exempted from the obligation to pay fees for a period of up to 4 years; relevant details shall be decided upon by the Council.
Principles for Admission of Further Members
In September 2012 the General Assembly (“Council”) has agreed upon the following principles concerning membership and admission of further members according to § 4 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution:
1. A national, regional or supra-regional organisation for general educational research will, until a further decision is taken, not be admitted as a new member of EERA e.V., if another national, regional or supra-regional organisation has already been admitted as a member from the country of domicile stated by the applicant organisation
2. National and regional organisations for general educational research that are already members of EERA e.V. are invited to network on a national level with other national or regional organisations from their countries of domicile, whether these organisations are members or not. They are obliged to work toward joint membership under the umbrella of a national organisation for general educational research.
3. National, regional or supra-regional organisations for general educational research from countries with no existing national, regional or supra-regional organisation that is a member of EERA e.V., are invited to apply for membership.
4. The membership status of organisations that are already a member of EERA e.V. will not be affected by this decision. For candidate members § 4 paragraph 1 sentences 3 and 4 of the Constitution is applied.
Low GDP Countries
The following EERA Members and countries who not yet have a national association as EERA member are eligible for Low GDP membership fees:
- Albania, Armenia,Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,Slovenia,Turkey and Ukraine.
Current Members
in order of countries:
Armenia (ERAS)
Austria (ÖFEB)
Azerbaijan (AzERA, candidate)
Belarus (IE)
Belgium (VFO and ABCEduc)
Bulgaria (Candidate)
Croatia (CERA)
Cyprus (CPA and KEB-DER)
Czech Republic (CAPV)
Denmark (NERA)
Estonia (EAPS)
Finland (FERA and NERA)
France (AECSE)
Germany (DGfE)
Greece (HES)
Hungary (HERA)
Iceland (NERA)
Ireland (ESAI)
Italy (SIPED)
Kazakhstan (KERA)
Latvia (LARE)
Lithuania (LERA)
Luxemburg (LuxERA)
Malta (MERA)
Netherlands (VOR)
Norway (NERA)
Poland (PTP)
Portugal (SPCE and CIDInE)
Romania (ARCE)
Russia (RERA)
Serbia (DIOS)
Slovakia (SERS)
Slovenia (SLODRE)
Spain (AIDIPE and SEP)
Sweden (NERA)
Switzerland (SSRE)
Turkey (EAB and EARDA)
Ukraine (UERA)
United Kingdom (BERA and SERA)