Each Network establishes a process for selecting Convenors and a Link Convenor to coordinate the Network and the Convenors. The process should contribute to the following principles: transparency, legitimacy, openness, trust, and continuity. Information about the established process is available (website, network meetings, etc.).
Normally, the process will be based on an election of Convenors by the participants in the network, during the ECER network meeting, based on a minimum of two nominations (from participants in the network). The group of Convenors should reflect EERA's diversity in terms of geographical representation and gender balance. The election is part of the network meeting agenda and is made known to at least all network participants before the conference.
Link Convenors are appointed by Network Convenors, either by consensus or by election, during ECER (August/September). The LC mandate will last four years with one possible re-election. Impeachment is possible by the Convenors.
(Sept 2015)
NW Representative

Fabio Dovigo
Network Representative on Council
Northumbria UniversityBenton
Professor of Education
Department of Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
E-Mail: fabio.dovigo(at)eera.eu