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As education systems adapt to the demands of the digital age, preparing students to live and learn in a technology driven world has become a pressing priority. The successful integration of digital technologies in education is a complex, multi-faceted process that depends on several interrelated factors, including the crucial role of family support and socio-economic conditions.
The post Parental and Family Involvement in Children’s Digital Learning: Bridging Policy and Practice appeared first on EERA Blog.

Dr Wenderlich explores how mindfulness and maths mediations can help reduce maths anxiety, and foster a deeper understanding of deeper mathematical concepts.
The post Math meditation – how mindfulness transforms anxiety into numbers appeared first on EERA Blog.

Emeritus Professor Theo Wubbels on three initiatives that the Dutch organisation for educational research launched to help improve the relationship between educational research and practice.
The post Educational research for the benefit of education and society – A Dutch perspective appeared first on EERA Blog.

EduTopics: ECER enables users to explore the contributions to past and present ECERs. Over 30,000 contributions from more than 30 networks are searchable due to natural language processing, machine learning and clustering procedures.
The post EduTopics: ECER – A WebApp for exploring ECER contributions since 1998 appeared first on EERA Blog.
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The surveys strengthen our research data and provide valuable insights.