Elsevier Best Poster Award - Congratulations!
Authors: Sofia Marques da Silva and Ana Milheiro Silva
Network: 05. Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education
Title: Transitions to Higher Education During Austerity Times: Expectations and Challenges for Young People From Border Regions
The poster is addressing a small part of a larger research project about youth cultures and educational pathways in border regions of Portugal. Refers to data collected through a questionnaire (Silva, 2011) delivered in two different times, 2011 and 2015, in the beginning and after the most difficult times of austerity measures, that followed economic and financial crisis. Crisis affected young people from a large number of EU Member States, namely in what concerns to their expectations on education, employment and affected believes in education from socially disadvantaged populations, that were encouraged to invested in post secondary education.
The poster highlights geographic aspects related to less access to opportunities, namely to education and employment, and points out that challenges are maximized when we think about young people from border regions, at the same time rural and remote, willing to proceed to HE. Results shows that despite the crisis young people from those regions are still willing to proceed to HE, and highly considering the relevance of progressing their education, although they have to navigate additional constrains coming from the economic crisis.
Sofia Marques da Silva is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto and researcher at Centre for Research and Intervention in Education. She is the coordinator of the Project Young People and Education in Border Regions (JERF).
Ana Milheiro Silva had a research fellowship in the Project Young People and Education in Border Regions (JERF), and became recently a PhD student, continuing her research in the same project. She is member of the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.
You can view the winning poster here.
ECER Best Poster Award
The winner of the ECER Best Poster Award will receive a free entry to the following ECER.