WS E - Getting started with R in Rstudio

  • Session: 00 SES 0.5 WS E (NW 09 A): Getting started with R in Rstudio
  • Time: 9:30- 11:45
  • Facilitators: Erika Majoros and Monica Rosén
  • To register: Please scroll down and click on the link in the green box

R is a free statistical environment maintained by an international team of developers. Its broad accessibility and strong online community have made R increasingly popular among students and researchers. However, starting to use R can be challenging for those yet unfamiliar with any programming language.  

In this workshop, participants will be guided through the very first steps of starting to use R for statistical analysis conjointly with RStudio, a software application that makes R easier to use. To overcome the threshold of effectively writing and understanding R code, generative AI (ChatGPT; OpenAI, 2022) will be employed as a supportive partner. The workshop is intended for students, analysts, or researchers who have not yet used R. Previous experience with AI is not needed. Working knowledge of basic statistics is required.

The workshop begins with a brief overview of the R environment based on Venables, et al. (2014). Then, based on Grolemund (2014), the workshop leaders will assist the participants in downloading R as well as RStudio. 

The second part of the workshop involves basic data management tasks and statistical analyses such as comparing means, correlation, and regression. The tasks will be demonstrated and practiced using several R packages. Based on the participants’ interest and pace of work, R Markdown will be demonstrated and practiced as well. R Markdown is an authoring framework that combines narrative text and code to produce elegantly formatted output.

Practical tasks will be performed using publicly available data from the Second International Mathematics Study (1980) retrieved from the Center for Comparative Analysis of Educational Achievement (COMPEAT) website ( 

By the end of the workshop, the participants are expected to have gained the following learning outcomes 

  • Install R and RStudio 
  • Download and apply R packages 
  • Effectively write and understand simple R code 
  • Perform basic data management tasks, such as computing or recoding variables, subsetting data in RStudio 
  • Perform basic statistical analyses, including basic plots   

Grolemund, G. (2014). Hands-On programming with R: write your own functions and simulations.  
OpenAI. (2022). ChatGPT (Version 3.5) [Machine learning model].
Venables, W. N., Smith, D. M., & R Core Team (2014). An introduction to R (pp 4-17). 

Requirements - IMPORTANT:

  • Participants should bring a laptop. They will need to download R and RStudio. 
  • You are only eligible to attend this workshop if you are registered as participant of ECER.
  • Please do NOT register for more than one workshop. We will cancel double bookings.
  • Should you not be able to attend, please cancel your reservation, as there might be a waiting list.

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