Session Information
02 SES 14 A, Diverse Perspectives on VET
Paper Session
This report addresses vocational education and training (VET) corresponding to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd professional qualification levels of the Latvian 5-level qualification system. The 4th and 5th professional qualification levels corresponding to higher professional education (Professional education and training –PET) are not included in the scope of this report.
Therefore, the study addresses the following Latvian VET programs: 3 year-long vocational education programmes for students without a certificate of basic education leading to a Certificate of vocational initial education and vocational qualification level 1 (EQF level 2); 2-3 year-long vocational education programmes for students with basic education leading to the Certificate of vocational basic education and vocational qualification level 2 (EQF 3); 4 year-long vocational upper-secondary educational programmes for students who have completed compulsory basic education, leading to the Diploma of vocational secondary education and vocational qualification level 3 (EQF 4); and Post-secondary non-tertiary vocational education (ISCED 4) that can be followed after graduating from general secondary schools (focus on purely professional skills and knowledge). The following VET programs remain out of the scope of this report: first level professional higher education (college education) programmes (2-3 years) leading to vocational qualification level 4 (ISCED 5B, EQF 5); second level professional higher education (ISCED 5A) leading to vocational qualification level 5 (4-6 years, EQF level 6).
The report does not address continuing vocational education programmes (CVET), professional development programmes, VET teacher training issues, the recognition system of professional qualifications and the diploma recognition system.
Expected Outcomes
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