Session Information
ERG SES G 13, Primary Education and Teaching
Paper Session
The rapid changes occurring in the information society and the current profiles of the students we teach require new pedagogical models that can help to improve learning. In this sense, pre-service teacher training plays an important role, and it must take into account the necessary cognoscitive, procedural, and attitudinal dimensions (Mendívil Trellez, 2009) in order for it to be complete.
Any educational change should be linked to improving the training of teachers at all levels. The teacher is the one who must carry out these changes, because there is no educational reform without the transformation in the training of teachers (González & Barba, 2014). Starting from this reflection it becomes clear the need to worry and to take care of the initial teacher training to obtain a school adapted to the needs of society and students.
When we talk about pedagogical innovations and educational policies, we can not ignore the problems of teachers and the quality of their education (Egido, López-Martín, Manso & Valle, 2014). The tasks performed by teachers go beyond their own within the classroom, as they include other educational tasks such as interviews with families, extracurricular activities, participation in educational programs, etc. (González & Barba, 2014).
Teachers are the mainstay of quality education and their training must respond to social demands and needs (Murillo, 2016). For this reason, the profile of the teacher should be that of a trained person, who combines specific and didactic knowledge, who is able to use resources to transform those knowledge into elements of learning, that has a social conscience to educate citizens in democratic values Critics, who know how to incorporate the environment as an active part of the educational territory and that has an affective capacity (Fernández, Palacios & Gutiérrez, 2016). The quality of our educational system is directly related to the initial and permanent formation of the teaching groups that carry out their functions in the same (De Medrano & Vaillant, 2009). Since the last educational reforms (LOGSE, LOCE, LOE, LOMCE, & in Andalusia, LEA) the conception of primary education has varied considerably, making it necessary today, more than ever, that the teaching sector has the possibility of access to an adjusted training that allows him to face, with guarantees of success, the new challenges and problems raised in the classroom (Negrín, 2015). This means designing a training, both initial and continuous, in accordance with the new educational approaches of the stage, updated and of quality.
In this research, we consider the relevance of initial teacher training so that there is a quality in the students' learning processes. Thus, this study has as main purpose to contribute to the improvement of the initial training of teachers of the Primary Education stage in the Spanish context, based on the knowledge derived from the professionals in exercise of this educational stage, as well as formative experiences And future teachers.
The objectives of this research are:
- Analyze teaching and training experiences that contemplate the use of playful and didactic strategies that help facilitate learning.
- To ascertain the situation experienced by teachers regarding the use of innovative tools as a didactic resource in their classroom practice, deriving influential aspects in their application and development.
- Evaluate the training received by teachers (future and in-service) regarding the use of innovative and recreational tools as a didactic resource.
Expected Outcomes
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