Session Information
07 SES 03 B, Gender and Social Justice
Paper Session
In the fields of cultural transformations and organisational change management, training is one of the most rapidly expanding methods of promoting social justice and organisational change. Since the implementation of equality and antidiscrimination policies like gender mainstreaming strategy or diversity management in the EU, many political and administrative institutions in Germany hire ‘diversity/gender experts’ to give ‘diversity/gender training’. This training aims to support workers - often at the highest levels (top-down principle) – to integrate equality aspects into their daily work. Such training involves the transfer of knowledge of equality and antidiscrimination strategies (e.g., laws, regulations and stereotypes) and tools in connection with different organisation cultures and various backgrounds of people.
Despite a boom in diversity and gender training and the constitution of a new market of equality-oriented training and consultations, there is very little systematic research on goals, concepts, and content of this training. In addition to pedagogical dimensions – like didactic or teaching methods – the theoretical base of gender, diversity, culture and justice – understood as social categorisations – are not reflected.
The paper outlines some core findings of my Phd-project that will be published in spring 2010. The purpose of this paper is to explore different concepts of gender and diversity training and to reveal attitudes of trainers and types of professional strategies they use in their work. By interviewing practitioners with qualitative expert interviews and analysing the discourse of intersectionality the study reconstructs specific conditions and knowledge formations of trainings. Theoretically based on poststructural theory, the transformative potential of diversity and gender training for a broader social transformation of inequalities is revealed.
Expected Outcomes
Bendl, Regine (2006): Gender Theory Goes Business – Geschlechtertheorien als Ausgangspunkt zur Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming in verschiedenen Organisationskulturen. In: Gubitzer, Luise/ Schunter-Kleemann, Susanne (Hg.) (2006): Gender Mainstreaming – Durchbruch der Frauenpolitik oder deren Ende? Kritische Reflexionen einer weltweiten Strategie. Herausgegeben im Namen der AG Frauen in der Forschung und Lehre an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Bd. 17. Frankfurt a. M., 69-104 Butler, Judith (2001): Psyche der Macht. Das Subjekt der Unterwerfung. Frankfurt a. M. Butler, Judith (2004): Undoing gender. New York Butler, Judith (2006): Uneigentliche Objekte. In: Dietze, Gabriele/ Hark, Sabine (Hg.) (2006): Gender kontrovers. Genealogien und Grenzen einer Kategorie. Königstein; Taunus, 181-213 Castro Varela, María do Mar (2001): Anitrassismus – Interkulturelle Kompetenz – Diversity-Empowerment. In: Landeszentrum für Zuwanderung NRW (Hg.): Interkulturelle und antirassistische Trainings – aber wie? Solingen, 25-33 Crenshaw, Kimberle (1998): Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics. In: Phillips, Anne (Hg.): Feminism and Politics. Oxford; New York, 314-343 Eggers, Maureen Maisha/ Kilomba, Grada/ Piesche, Peggy/ Arndt, Susan (Hg.): Mythen, Masken, Subjekte. Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland. Münster McCall, Leslie (2003): Managing the complexity of intersectionality. In: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. New Jersey, 1-41 Rosenstreich, Gabriele Dina (2006): Antidiskriminierung und/als/trotz... Diversity Training. In: Castro Varela, María do Mar (Hg.) Soziale (Un)Gerechtigkeit. Antidiskriminierung, Dekolonialisierung und Demokratisierungsprozesse. Münster; Hamburg; London Verloo, Mieke (2005): Reflections on the transformative potential of Gender Mainstreaming in Europe. In: Lüdke, Dorothea/ Runge, Anita/ Koreuber, Mechthild (Hg.): Kompetenz und/oder Zuständigkeit. Zum Verhältnis von Geschlechtertheorie und Gleichstellungspraxis. Wiesbaden, 117-129 Walgenbach, Katharina/ Dietze, Gabriele/ Hornscheidt, Antje/ Palm, Kerstin (Hg.) (2007): Gender als interdependente Kategorie. Neue Perspektiven auf Intersektionalität, Diversität und Heterogenität. Leverkusen
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