Session Information
07 SES 07 B, Intercultural Dialogues Inside Schools
Paper Session
Young adults with a migration background, marked as ‚others‘ by the majority society, face special challenges – in their identity-work as well as in every day situations – when it comes to questions of social group membership and the relations between self-descriptions and outside attributions. Those stereotyped attributions, made due to a (presumed) belonging, e.g. to a certain religion, nationality, ethnicity or gender, transport societally widely accepted social knowledge, giving information about who and on the basis of which aspects is or can be an accepted part of ‚our‘ society or a relevant powerful group, and who cannot. These powerful practices of social (dis-)placement, the categorization in ‚members‘ and ‚non-members‘ through social groups, while at the same time ignoring self-descriptions and self-positioning, are part of every day inclusion- and exclusion processes that – on an individual as well as on a structural level – legitimate social inequalities in society (cf. Gomolla/Radtke 2002; Mecheril 2003).
Young adults with a migration background, in their everyday life, are confronted with such mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion and forced to handle discrimination experiences – a situation not unique to Germany, where the research data presented in this paper has been collected: even though colonial and Nazi history, targeted recruitment of so called „Gastarbeiter“ in the 1970s and the refusal to acknowledge the multicultural composition of society on a governmental level up until a decade ago have a certain impact on how society perceives these young people and shapes their experiences, young people with a migration background in all European countries are confronted with these issues (cf. Frosh/Phoenix/Pattman 2001).
Research questions center around experiences with discrimination along different categories of difference (such as gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc.) and their intersections as well as management strategies with regard to situations of in- and exclusion and its mechanisms, specifically the way in which society, with its discourses and politics, and subjective reasoning behind actions interact.
The research therefore focuses on young adults not (just) as victims but with agency – able to act within a certain ‚room of possibilities‘ whose borders are marked by both individual and societal conditions (cf. Holzkamp 1983). They are seen as individuals who develop competences and - more or less useful - strategies within the framework of their social backgrounds and their experiences in dealing with discrimination in society.
As adolescents with migration background need spaces where they can discuss and reflect their experiences and actions to develop useful strategies (cf. Kalpaka 2006), the objective of this research is to give pointers for the development of adequate concepts of pedagogical support and reflexive professional attitudes in the context of social work with stigmatized groups.
Expected Outcomes
Frosh, Stephen/Phoenix, Ann/Pattman, Rob (2001): Young Masculinities, Understanding boys in contemporary. London: Palgrave Gomolla, Mechtild/Radtke, Frank-Olaf (2002): Institutionelle Diskriminierung. Die Herstellung ethnischer Differenz in der Schule. Opladen: Leske und Budrich. Hall, Stewart (1994): Rassismus und kulturelle Identität. Ausgewählte Schriften 2. Hamburg: Argument. Held, Josef (1994): Praxisorientierte Jugendforschung. Theoretische Grundlagen, Methodische Ansätze, Exemplarische Projekte. Hamburg: Argument. Holzkamp, Klaus (1983): Grundlegungen der Psychologie. Frankfurt a.M. Kalpaka, Annita (2006): ‚Parallelgesellschaften’ in der Bildungsarbeit – Möglichkeiten und Dilemmata pädagogischen Handelns in geschützten Räumen. In: Elverich, Gabi/Kalpaka, Annita/Reindlmeier, Karin (Hg.):Spurensicherung – Reflexion von Bildungsarbeit in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Frankfurt a.M.: IKO. S. 95-166. Keupp, Heiner (1999): Identitätskonstruktionen. Reinbek bei Hamburg Klinger, Cornelia/Knapp, Gudrum-Axeli (2005): Achsen der Ungleichheit – Achsen der Differenz. Verhältnisbestimmungen von Klasse, Geschlecht, ‚Rasse’/Ethnizität. In: Transit – Europäische Revue, Nr.29/2005 Leiprecht, Rudolf (2001): Alltagsrassismus. Eine Untersuchung bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Münster: Waxmann. Lutz, Helma/Wenning, Norbert (2001): Differenzen über Differenz – Einführung in die Debatten. In: Lutz, Helma/Wenning, Norbert: Unterschiedlich verschieden. Differenz in der Erziehungswissenschaft. Opladen: Leske und Budrich. S. 11-24. Mecheril, Paul (2000): Zugehörigkeitsmanagement. Aspekte der Lebensführung von Anderen Deutschen. In: Attia, Iman/Marburger, Helga (Hg.): Alltag und Lebenswelten von Migrantenjugendlichen. Frankfurt a.M.: IKO. S. 27-47 Mecheril, Paul (2003): Prekäre Verhältnisse. Über natio-ethno-kulturelle (Mehrfach-) Zugehörigkeit. Münster: Waxmann. Melter, Claus (2006): Rassismuserfahrungen in der Jugendhilfe. Münster: Waxmann. Riegel, Christine (2004): Im Kampf um Zugehörigkeit und Anerkennung. Orientierungen und Handlungsformen von jungen Migrantinnen. Frankfurt a.M./London: IKO.
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