Session Information
05 SES 08 A, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk (Ethnographic Research)
Paper Session
Humans do not only keep on learning throughout their whole lives, equally the spaces, in which these learning processes take place, tend to become ever more multifarious – particularly in centers of urbanity. The Globalisation, mediatisation and informalization of educational spaces provokes the dissolution from the pedagogical sphere. Hence the status of schools as monopolies of education is increasingly questioned.
Our researches show how schools in Germany respond to that crisis: they attempt to isolate themselves from non-scholastic spaces of education, they insist on the attendance of the adolescents by restrictive means of compulsory education and within this locked spatial education, students are compelled to internalize an attitude towards learning that is embodied by the sedentary book culture. Within this sedentary book culture an attitude was favoured, which was characterized by the physical arrestment of movement. It was intended to channel the urge to move into an inner mental wandering.
When locking and placing of learners and their positioning in the school system has been a strategy of the sedentary book culture, then plenty of fundamental questions come into focus when speaking of Urban Education. For when we speak of urban systems nowadays, we mostly refer to post typographic cultures, which we for instance describe as networking-cultures. How do schools position themselves in the midst of this rapid cultural transition? We argue that schools devalue and reject effects of Urban Education.
In order to further confirm this thesis empirically, our research currently focuses on the progressing discrepancy between the postulated spatial practices in schools and the spatial acquisition of adolescents in urban scenes, who actively explore urban space. Focussing on this perspective, we investigate the skater scene paradigmatically. We aim at reconstructing the educational potential of their performative dealing with urban space. Those adolescents display a lot of competences in the continual alternation, rapid adjustment and last-minute respondence of varying spatial conditions.
Urban architectures in specific are interpreted in terms of their performative possibilities.
Strategies of spatial acquisition allow them to seize the metropolitan stimuli.
Precisely these practices can be seen as the outcome of Urban Education. They compete with the accomplishments of typographical education in schools. For now schools succeed by powerfully defending the maintenance of the sedentary book culture and by pathologising urban practices as hyperactivity. Thus the juvenile experts of urban space are sedated in order to manage placing them within the prevalent sedentary school culture. On behalf of those adolescents our main concern is it to generate perspectives on the organisation of spaces of learning and education in which the potentials of urban as well as typographic settings of education are realised and acknowledged.
Expected Outcomes
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