Network: 5. Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education
05 SES 01 A, Engagement with Schooling and School Wellbeing
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 13:15-14:45, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Dolf van Veen
- The Pyramid Club: Promoting self-esteem and social confidence among the 'quietly disengaged'
- School Well-being and Attitudes in the Finnish Urban Comprehensive Schools
- Pupils' - Especially Boys' - Experiences of Urban School Security and Well-being
Chris Comber Chris Comber Chris Wilkins Paul Cooper
Mira Kalalahti
Eija Syrjäläinen Pirjo Jukarainen Veli-Matti Värri
05 SES 02 A, Students’ Voices and Researching with Youth at Risk
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Mark Hadfield
- Using Students’ Voices as a Strategy for Addressing Challenges in Urban Schools
- Thwarted Cosmopolitanism: Mixed Heritage Youth in a London School
- Researching with Youth at Risk: Participatory Video Research Emerging Methodological and Ethical Issues
Kiki Messiou Lisa Jones
Indra Dewan
Mark Hadfield Mark Hadfield Kaye Haw
05 SES 03 A, Interprofessional Collaboration in (Flexible) Basis Education and Rebound Programmes for At-Risk Youth in Secondary Schools
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Dolf van Veen
- The Evaluation of Interprofessional Practices in “Finnish Flexible Basic Education”
- Bridging The Gap: The impact of informal, youth work strategies in challenging anti-social behaviour within a formal educational setting
- Rebound Programmes for At-Risk Youth in Dutch Secondary Education
Anneli Sarja Sirpa Janhonen
Ross Deuchar
Dolf van Veen Dolf van Veen
05 SES 04 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Ross Deuchar
05 SES 04 A, 'Full Service and Extended' Schools: A European Response to the Challenges of Urban Education? (Part I)
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Liz Todd
- Case Study ‘Het Keerpunt’ (The Turning Point) in Antwerp: the extended school as a market stall
- Extended schools in England: a ten year experiment
- Integrated schools in Ireland: A area-based partnership to tackle educational disadvantage
- ‘Full service and extended’ schools: a European response to the challenges of urban education?
Ides Nicaise Idesbald Nicaise Elien Vanleeuw
Alan Dyson Alan Dyson Karen Laing Liz Todd Lisa Jones Colleen Cummings
Rose Malone Rose Malone
Liz Todd Idesbald Nicaise Elien Vanleeuw Rose Malone Alan Dyson Karen Laing Dolf van Veen Lázaro Moreno Herrera Kirstin Kerr Lisa Jones Colleen Cummings
05 SES 05 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Ruth Leitch
- An Exploration of “Urban Self-Esteem” Among Stigmatized Youngsters.
- Health-related behaviors and the experience of bullying: Parental views
- School Administrators’ Opinions on the Reflections of Internet Bullying At Schools
Fernando Fernandes Fernando Fernandes
Lidija Cilic Burusic Ivan Devic
Murat Özdemir FİLİZ Akar Süheyla Bozkurt
05 SES 05 A, ‘Full Service and Extended’ Schools: A European Response to the Challenges of Urban Education? (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Liz Todd
- Broad schools in the Netherlands: challenges and opportunities
- Full services and extended schools. Is there something for Sweden? On traditions and experiences dealing with challenges of urban education.
Dolf van Veen Dolf van Veen
Lázaro Moreno Herrera Lázaro Moreno Herrera
05 SES 05.5 NM, Network Meeting
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 12:15-13:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Dolf van Veen
- Network Meeting
Dolf van Veen Dolf van Veen
05 SES 06 B, Ethnographic and Cross-Cultural Research
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Sofia Marques da Silva
- Questioning the Spanish Roma Integration Model
- Adolescence At Risk From A Cross-cultural Perspective
- Gender and student specific help project: can we speak about a gender reappropriation of the project?
Bálint-Ábel Bereményi
Anke Wischmann Anke Wischmann
Cyrille Morin
05 SES 06 C, Non-Formal Education in the Urban Interstices: Interrogating the Pedagogy of NFE with respect to Marginalized and At-Risk Young People in European Cities
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 27/103,G, 46, Chair: David Jenkins
- Non-Formal Education in the Urban Interstices: interrogating the pedagogy of NFE with respect to marginalized and at risk young people
David Jenkins Nerijus Kriauciunas Micah Grzywnowicz Peter Hofmann Andreas Karsten Tomasz Lubotzki Diego Marin Romera
05 SES 06 A, Violence and Surveillance in Schools
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Ruth Leitch
- Violence in Schools: What is Really Happening in the UK?
- School Violence in TEIP: The Role of Experts in Students Support Centres
- Schools Under Surveillance: a Case Study of Youth 'as' Risk
Jane Brown Mandy Winterton
Benedita Melo
Charlotte Chadderton Charlotte Chadderton
05 SES 07 A, (Interprofessional) Student Support Services in Schools
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Dolf van Veen
- Transitions and social exclusion in focus. Guidance and counselling as tools to support the future of youth in comprehensive schools
- Behaviour and Education Support Teams in Dutch Schools
- Co-located Inter-professional Collaboration in a School Setting around Children and Young People at Risk
Paivi Atjonen Jyri Manninen Sanna Makinen Marjatta Vanhalakka-Ruoho
Dolf van Veen
Anette Bolin
05 SES 07 B, Practice and Future of Area-Based Initiatives
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Ross Deuchar
- Social Justice and Educational Opportunity for Immigrant and Marginalized Youth: The U-Prep Approach
- Disadvantage and educational equity – area based educational policy issues of redistribution and/or recognition?
- Breaking the Link Between Education, Disadvantage and Place: Is There a Future for Area-Based Initiatives?
Helen Berger David Benson
Carlo Raffo
Kirstin Kerr
05 SES 08 A, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk (Ethnographic Research)
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Sofia Marques da Silva
- Urban Education in Brazil: an Ethnographic Analysis of Educational Provisions for Street Youth
- Scholastic settings and spaces of Urban Education
- Ethics and Dilemmas in Researching Young People Lives: Being Trapped Between “Uncomfortable” Information in a Urban Ethnographic Research
- Impact of Internal Migration on Education from the Perspectives of Primary School Inspectors
Cleonice Puggian
Jeanette Böhme David Brick
Sofia Marques da Silva
Hanife Akar Derya Sen
05 SES 08 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Ruth Leitch
- Researching with young people: biographical narratives and savoir experiences in secondary education
Fernando Hernandez Fernando Hernandez Nuria Simo Paulo Padilla-Petry Asunción López
05 SES 09 B, Truancy, School Bonding and Misconduct and Drop-Out
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Mark Hadfield
- Truant Students: School Experiences and Individual Characteristics
- The Relation Between Belonging and School Misconduct: Do Teacher and Peer Attachment Have the Same Effect?
- 1. Understanding education through its outsiders: the European perception of the ‘drop out’ problem.
Tuomo Virtanen Matti Kuorelahti
Jannick Demanet Mieke Van Houtte
Corentin Lorand
05 SES 09 A, Promoting Academic Success in Urban Schooling
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Ruth Leitch
- Enacting and negotiating "aspiration" in a Scottish secondary school
- “There’s No Level Playing Field”: The Impact of the School Curriculum on University Entry in High Poverty Urban Schools
- Social and Ethnic Differentiation of Schools and Social Exclusion in Post-Communist Urban Space
Konstanze Spohrer
Deborah Tranter Deborah Tranter
Daniel Alexandrov Daniel Alexandrov Valeria Ivaniushina Svetlana Savelieva
05 SES 9.5 PE/PS, Poster Exhibition / Poster Session
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 12:00-13:30, Room: Seminarzentrum - Posters, Chair:
- Improving schools in challenging circumstances
Susanne Strunck Christina Funke Isabell van Ackeren Marten Clausen
05 SES 10 B, Educational Trajectories, Transitions and Support/Advice
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Sofia Marques da Silva
- The Trajectories Through Secondary Education Of Educationally At Risk Young People
- ‘Instant Adulthood’ and the Transition of Young People out of State Care
- The Teacher Recommendation: A Valid Instrument for Selecting Ethnic Minority Students into Secondary School Tracks?
Paul Croll Gaynor Attwood
Ruth Rogers
Geert Driessen
05 SES 10 A, Professional Identities, Social Pedagogy and Professional Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Mark Hadfield
- Socialisation at School. The Pedagogical Dimension of the Teaching Profession in Urban Primary Schools.
- Student teachers' views on the role of schools in meeting the needs of at-risk pupils: Can social pedagogy help?
- Pedagogical Students' Konwledge About Socially Endangered Children in Day-Care Institutions in DenmarkI
Edith Hooge Debby Collignon
Chris Kyriacou
Klaus Kasper Kofod Kirsten Elisa Petersen
05 SES 11 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Ruth Leitch
- Unfinished Business: Re-positioning Girls on the Education Equity Agenda.
- Views of Teachers on Students’ Classroom Behaviors in Schools Located in Migrant Communities
- Tales of Challenges and Struggles of an Urban School. A Case Study
Judith Gill Deborah Tranter
Aysegul Ozsoy Hanife Akar
Iulia Mancila Iulia Mancila
05 SES 11 A, Urban Mentoring Practices with Children and Youth at Risk
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Jordi Feu
- "Actually, I am shy, but at this school everything has changed.“ – Experiences and insights of the Mentoring-Project Nightingale Berlin
- Impact of mentoring practices on mentee's educational expectations
- Learning through mentoring
- Urban mentoring practices with child and youth at risk
Òscar Prieto-Flores Petra Wieler Alexandra Blankenburg
Òscar Prieto-Flores Òscar Prieto-Flores Jordi Feu
Martin Grander
Òscar Prieto-Flores Petra Wieler Alexandra Blankenburg Martin Grander Jordi Feu Laura Domingo
05 SES 12 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Sofia Marques da Silva
- Urban Schooling in New Zealand; Adult Reflections on Childhood and Education.
- State-run Independent Schools in England, Sweden and US
- Predictors of civic and political participation of young people and migrants
Vicki Marie Carpenter
Maija Salokangas Christopher Chapman
Isabel Menezes Maria Fernandes-Jesus Norberto Ribeiro Carla Malafaia
05 SES 12 A, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Ross Deuchar
- Comparing Actual And Perceived Language Proficiency Of Pupils With An Immigrant Background In Secondary Education (Flanders, Belgium)
- Relational Predictors of Dating Violence among University Students
- Understanding the interaction of young people's social networks, social disadvantage and high educational attainment.
Reinhilde Pulinx Johan Wets
Zeynep Sumer Ezgi Toplu
Alastair Wilson Katie Hunter
23 SES 13 E (JS), Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in Urban Contexts
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 31/228,1 FL., 31, Chair: Solveig Hagglund
- Joint Session: Combating poverty and social exclusion in urban contexts, find Information in 25 SES 13 (JS)
Joint Session Joint Session
05 SES 13 C (JS), Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in Urban Contexts
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 31/228,1 FL., 31, Chair: Solveig Hagglund
- Joint Session: Combating poverty and social exclusion in urban contexts, find Information in 25 SES 13 (JS)
Joint Session Joint Session
05 SES 13 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Ross Deuchar
- Youth at Risk in Collective Processes of Transformation from Target Group to Appropriators of School Social Work
- Urban schools containing at risk and immigrant students who are succeeding
- Using teenage anxiety researches in the educational surroundings in the work of academic advisors.
Anke Spies
Carme Garcia Yeste Patricia Melgar Noemí Martín Casabona
Liudmyla Andruschenko Zhanna Volodchenko Svetlana Khlebik
05 SES 14 B, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 27/106,G, 42, Chair: Hüseyin Kotaman
- Urban and Architecture Research in Education
Mariza Alves Mariana Gaio Alves
05 SES 14 A, Urban Education and Children and Youth at Risk
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: JK 28/112,G, 58, Chair: Ross Deuchar
- Educational needs based on a comprehensive territorial approach: the case of the city of Palma
- Relationship between behavior of homework and academic achievement in elementary schools: An effort compensating for disadvantaged socioeconomic situation in China
Miquel F. Oliver Trobat Miquel F. Oliver Trobat Francesca Salvà Mut Rubén Comas Forgas
Ningning Zhao Martin Valcke Annemie Desoete JeanPierre Verhaeghe
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