Session Information
05 SES 10 A, Professional Identities, Social Pedagogy and Professional Education
Paper Session
General description
This presentation focus on a research project that has investigated 5th semester students at all pedagogical education sites in Denmark to investigate the knowledge they receive during their education on socially endangered children in Danish day-care institutions.
During the later years there has been two changes in the day care institutions’ functions and contents that come with the Service Law (1998), the Law on Learning Plans (2004) and the Law on Day-care (2007) that link on the day-care institutions’ prophylactic work with socially exposed children in order to better these children’s’ prospects during their upbringing. One of these changes is the change in the day-care institutions from a general pedagogical function to now also to include a more social pedagogical approach. The other change show with the introduction of pedagogical learning plans that focus on a learning aim for children in day-care institutions that traditionally has been reserved for the schooling system.
The Ministry of Education wants to make better possibilities for specialisation in the pedagog education in three superior areas: a) children and youngsters (the normal area) b) people with reduced functionality (i.e. institutions for physically/mentally handicapped) and c) people with social problems (i.e. institutions for children and youngsters)
The background of the paper is a research project, which is based on a theory that there, among other things, as a result of the economical development in the area of the day-care institutions and the modernization of the public sector increasingly are new demands on the pedagogical staff that they must include socially endangered children in Danish day-care institutions among the normally functioning children. The hypothesis is that the pedagogs are badly equipped with knowledge from their education on how to cope with these children.
Therefore the paper will present empirical and theoretical results from a research project concerning how the pedagogs theoretically and during their practice periods in their education are educated in working with this group of children in day-care institutions.
The project focuses on a superiour level on the pedagogical educational research and raises two central issues: a) How do the Danish pedagogical education prepare the students to work with socially exposed children in day care institutions? b) Which knowledge forms and knowledge foundation link to the education process about pedagogical efforts targeted on socially exposed children in day care institutions?
Expected Outcomes
References: Bengtsson, T. T. (2007) Pædagogers identifikation af socialt udsatte børn. Socialforskningsinstituttet, Christensen, E. (1996) Daginstitutionen som forebyggende tilbud til truede børn – en undersøgelse af 796 daginstitutioner. København: Socialforskningsinstituttet. Jensen, et al. (2006) Handlekompetencer i pædagogisk arbejde med socialt udsatte børn og unge –indsats og effekt (HPA-projektet). Samlet projektbeskrivelse. Juni 2006. Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet Jespersen, C. (2006) Socialt udsatte børn I dagtilbud. Socialforskningsinstituttet. Jonsson, G. (1969) Det sociala arvet. Stockholm: Tidens Forlag. Kofod, K. (2007) Fra arbejdsmarkedsforanstaltning til læreplanslæring – Børnepolitikken og udviklingen i synet på børnehavens funktion. I: K. Jensen & N. Rosendal Jensen (red.), Pædagogisk Sociologisk Antologi, bd. 1, København: Danmarks Nordenbo, S. E. et al. (2008) Forskningskortlægning ag forskningsvurdering af Skandinavisk forskning i året 2006 i institutioner for de 0-5 årige. Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag. Nygren, P. (1999) Professionel omsorg for børn og familier – fra teori til værktøj. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag. Nygren, P. (2004) Handingskompetanse – om profesjonelle personer. Gyldendal, Norsk Forlag. Parsons, T. (1954) Essays in Sociological Theory. London. Collier-Macmillian Limited. Petersen, K. E. (2006) Daginstitutionens betydning for udsatte børn – en forskningsoversigt. HPA-serie Petersen, K. E. (2008a) En empirisk og teoretisk analyse af pædagogstuderendes faglige og teoretiske viden i arbejdet med socialt udsatte børn i daginstitutioner. I: M. Nørholm, K. Jensen & N. Rosendal Jensen (red.), Pædagogisk Sociologisk Antologi, bd. IV. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag. Petersen, K. E. (2008) Når to formål skal gå hånd i hånd. Tidskriftet Vera2008 Petersen, K. E. (2008b) Working with socially endangered children in Danish Day-care institutions. International Social Work & Society News Magazine Petersen, K. E. (2009) Omsorg for socialt udsatte børn. En analyse af pædagogers kompetencer og pædagogiske arbejde med socialt udsatte børn i daginstitutionen. Ph.d-afhandling. DPU, Aarhus Universitet. Ploug, N. (2007b) Socialt udsatte børn, Identifikation, Viden og handlemuligheder i daginstitutioner. SFI – Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd.
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