Session Information
10 SES 05.5 PS, General Poster Session
General Poster Session
The article shows the importance of teachers’ didactical knowledge and thinking from the point of view of the pupils’ modified role and position in the educational process. In the first part the pupils’ role in the educational process is presented. Important are pupils’ creative activity, internal motivation and cooperation during the particular stages of the educational process. In the second part of the article the teacher’s role in the educational process is presented and within this the role of didactics. In theRepublicofSlovenianamely general didactical knowledge is one of the essential components of teacher’s professional education. Therefore didactics is one of the basic general studying subjects in the programmes of teachers’ education. The aim of studying didactics is that students learn about essential didactical knowledge about regularities and characteristics of education and that they develop didactical thinking. In the framework of didactics the students adopt the required knowledge for drafting, modelling, planning, preparing, performing, analysing and evaluating the educational process. Besides they acquire the theoretical basis for researching, innovating and further development of education.
Expected Outcomes
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