Annual Report 2005, Dublin

Outcomes after the ECER 2004 and after the ECER 2005

The EERJ (European Educational Research Journal) special issue volume 4, number 2, published in July 2005, is devoted to papers presented in Internetwork and Network 15 sessions about the theme:

Young People, Rights and Social Exclusion
Guest Editor : Danielle Zay. D. Zay also published a book in French which developed, with other authors, the same theme and research she presented in the Internetwork symposium (Networks 5, 15 and 24) at the ECER 04 and in her paper in the EERJ:  Zay, D. (dir.). Prévenir l'exclusion scolaire et sociale des jeunes. Une approche franco-britannique. Paris: PUF, 2005, 326 p.

At the ECER 05, Network 15 organised 10 sessions with presenters and chair persons from 12 countries:
Brazil, Canada, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, Portugal, Turkey, Uruguay.

The average of attendance at most sessions was between 11 to 20 participants, one with less than 10.

The two Internetwork sessions were attended by 20 to 30 persons.
The Internetwork workshop with Network 5 (Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education) about Evaluating Interventions for, and the Progress of, Youth at Risk in School and Community ended by an invitation to the audience for participating in a panel of researchers interested in the theme and to exchange methodologies, in particular regarding evaluation.
A listing was elaborated. It remains open to new participants.
The Internetwork workshop was linked to the following scheduled Network 15 workshop about Methodological Issues Inherent in the Study of Educational Disadvantage.
Previous listing was extended to new participants and Dr. Alana James, Jones International University, USA and the Centre for Research Strategies, Ireland, offered “ an international asynchronous meeting to discuss research on educational disadvantage ” on a web site which is now working.
Another Internetwork paper session was organised with Network 24 (Research in Children’ Rights in Education).

The Business Meeting

At the Business meeting the audience appreciated the power point facilities and the very efficient technician they benefited from in their room.
They would like to benefit from the same advantages at the next ECER.
But nearly all presenters had a problem with the adapter and had to buy one.

Information about the kind of available equipment will be useful for
the ECER 2006.

Network 15 members would like to develop some specific themes at the ECER 2006:

  • evaluating needs and actions results with disadvantaged populations and youth at risk, how to measure progress
  • evaluating partnerships processes (approaches, means), in particular addressing youth at risk
  • sustainable development and creativity

A listing of the Network 15 members e-mail addresses is updated each year. By now it includes about 100 names.

Network 15 wishes to strengthen its collaborative work with other networks.
It will continue to develop its specific features:

  • to help the presenters to get high quality papers favouring publications and to introduce publications through the sessions
  • to develop relationships with outside of European countries territory
  • to make the communication and debates easier by translating presentations and questions in other languages than English for attendants who don't understand.
Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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