Annual Report 2019, Hamburg

In total 17 sessions were prepared for ECER Hamburg, which is the same amount as last year in Bolzano. However, the variety of session formats has increased: three out of 17 sessions were workshops, two – symposiums and one poster session. Joint Research Workshop amongst NW 12 and NW 17 was organized. As every year, senior and young scholars as well as doctoral students attended the sessions. Approximately 20-30 delegates participated in each session. It is important to note the diversity of nationalities represented: there were contributors from different European countries with an increasing participation from the Eastern Europe and also from outside Europe (e.g., Columbia and Japan) which contributed to the discussion of research across the world.

The Session Return Slips mostly describe high quality of sessions. However, some sessions suffered from last-minute withdrawals. For example, there was only one paper in the last session. However, this session was well attended and the discussion turned out very active.

The NW17 session program was well thought-out with adequate session titles thanks to convenor Pieter Verstraete. Facebook page of NW17 has come alive thanks to convenors Chista Nadimi and Lajos Somogyvári. As mentioned in pt.1, the variety of session formats had increased.

NW17 had a special call developed by convenors Geert Thyssen and Christian Ydesen History of Education in Times of Risk and Promise. Special call was a great way to promote history of education and made presentations more focused.

Joint workshop Educational Research in the Digital Era: Possibilities and challenges with NW12 was organized by convenors Chista Nadimi and Lajos Somogyvári.

Plan for 2019 was implemented, except for the summary of history of NW17, which is the responsibility of the Link Convenor Iveta Kestere.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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