Annual Report 2014, Porto
The support of Porto Local Organising Committee and EERA´s office was once again very important to the success of the ERC 2014 Emerging Researchers’ Conference. The volunteers (ICT, set-up of rooms, information desk) were superb. The coffee breaks and the Social Event went well with a good mix of different areas (music, seating areas, space for people to chat etc.).
In general, the papers and posters were assessed as being of high quality. Presenters were at all stages in their PhD studies. A small number of presenters had attended the Summer School and were advertising it enthusiastically amongst participants.
192 paper and poster sessions were accepted and over 340 participants, from 47 countries, registered to attend (with Portugal, Turkey and the UK being the most highly represented). 31 people did not show up, 20 papers were not presented without a prior excuse being given.
Most session return slips were completed this year - due mostly to the vigillance of our Portuguese helpers. Therefore, we know that there were only 10 no-show presenters who had registered for the conference.
The Best Poster competition went well and both winners were at the closing ceremony to receive their certificates; it was helpful that all three of the judges were able to attend each of the Interactive Poster sessions in order to agree on the overall winners.
The workshops and the Round Table event were well received, and attendance on Tuesday afternoon was about 40 people per session
25 EERA bursaries were award (one of which was funded by the SAGE publishers)
Participants commented upon the quality of the Chairing and remarked that they had benefitted from the ensuing discussions.
Three Networks (14, 16 and 22) ran workshops; other Networks have conducted these workshops in recent years showing a real commitment to Emerging Researchers.
A member of VETNET came to the meeting to see how they could support Emerging Researchers – this is the first time that this has happened.
Several of EERA's networks have appointed a liaison person to strengthen its relationship with the ERG as well as nominated members to help the ERG on the review process of the submissions.
The local research community was involved in conference by helping review paper/poster submissions, chairing sessions, chosing the keynote speaker and the round table participants as well as chairing the roundtable