Session Information
01 SES 08 C, Reflective Practice
Paper Session
In educational research , specially in Portuagal, conceptions and representations on teaching pract ices have been more emphasized than descriptions of actual practices themselves. This research aims at illuminating better this area by means of creating and validating an instrument, based on observed teaching practices, intended to characterize actual teaching strategies. The present study is based on the assumption that improvement of school and students’ learning implies a more accurate knowledge on this variable – the ways teachers do teach –as critical to improve the quality of school service and related improvement of students learning, as many international studies have shown(TIMSS, PISA, among others). The concept of teaching that will be mobilized relies on conceiving teaching as a deliberate, sustained and intentional action oriented towards promoting someone’s learning of something (Roldão, 2007). Thus, the present study aims at contributing to the detailed characterization of teaching practices, namely about strategies and their supports, in order to build a typology of tendencies that might be used as a tool of diagnosis and analysis that will support a variety of transformative or formative actions in specific contexts.
Expected Outcomes
Bibliographic References Alarcão, I. 2001 Escola reflexiva e supervisão – uma escola em desenvolvimento e aprendizagem. In Alarcão, Isabel (org.). Escola Reflexiva e Supervisão, pp 12-23. Colecção Cidine, nº14. Porto: Porto Editora Alarcão, I. 2009 Formação e Supervisão de Professores. Uma nova abrangência. Sísifo. Revista de Ciências da Educação, 8, pp. 119-128. Consultado em [Abril, 2012] em Goodson, I. 1997 A Construção Social do Currículo. Lisboa: Educa Hargreaves, A. 1994 Changing Teachers Changing Times. Ontario: OISE Leite, T. 2010 Planeamento e Concepção da Acção de Ensinar. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro - Programa de Supervisão, Acompanhamento e Avaliação do Período Probatório de Professores, Nóvoa, A. 2009 Professores – imagens do futuro presente., pp.69-95. Lisboa: Educa OECD/CERI 2005 Teachers Matter. Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers. Paris: OECD. Peralta, H. e Metelo, A. (2000) Core competences.In U.Bliesener (Ed) Training the trainers – theory nd practice of foreign language teacher education (vol.5) pp 89-92. Köln: International Business Communication Reis, P. e Galvão, C. (2009). Teaching controversial socio-scientific issues in biology and geology classes: a case study. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 13(1), 162-185. Disponível em art7-reis.pdf . Roldão, M.C. 2007 Função docente: natureza e construção do conhecimento profissional. Revista Brasileira de Educação, Rio de Janeiro, v.12, n. 34, p. 94-103. Roldão, M.C.Strategies for Enhancing and Disseminating Good Practices and Innovation. In Schools – the Portuguese case. (IIE). (2003). In Networks of Innovation - Schooling For Tomorrow Publication, pp. 87-97. Paris: OECD.0 Roldão, M.C. 2009 Estratégias de ensino - O saber e o agir do professor. (2009) . Porto: Fundação Manuel Leão ROLDÃO, M.C., NETO-MENDES, A., COSTA, J.A. & ALONSO, L.(2006). Organização do trabalho docente: uma década em análise (1996-2005). Investigar em Educação nº 5 – Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação, 17-148. Roldão, M.C. 2007 Research-based teacher education and reflective practice. In Texts of the Conference “Teacher professional Development for the Quality of Lifelong Learning. Lisboa: Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, 2007, pp. 39-49. Roldão, M.C. 2010 Ensinar e aprender: o saber e o agir distintivos do profissional docente. In Romilda Teodora Ens e Marilda Aparecida Behrens (orgs) (2010)- Formação do Professor – profissionalidade, pesquisa e cultura escolar, pp 25-42. Curitiba, BR: Champagnat Editora -PUCPR Shulman, L. 1987 Knowledge and teaching: foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57, 4- 14. Rodrigues, A. & Esteves, M. (2003) Tornar-se professor. Revista Investigar em Educação, nº 2, 15-68.
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