Session Information
31 SES 10, Teaching for Language Education
Paper Session
At the beginning of the century, the German educational policy implemented (new) strategies to improve the educational opportunities of multilingual children with a migrant background. At first, there was a concentration on further developing early childhood education in German kindergartens (pre-schools) and primary schools with a focus on German language education. Another field of development was the transition from kindergarten to primary school.
One of the measures to increase the educational opportunities of children and adolescents (with a migrant background) was the model programme 'FörMig' (= supporting children and youth with a migrant background; 2004-2009; transfer phase 2010-2013), which was implemented in ten federal states in Germany and generated practice in “integrated and continuous language education” (ICLE), i.e. it combined the foci on (German) language education and transitions. The programme called attention to the major significance that 'academic language' (= Bildungssprache) has for learning throughout the education cycle (Gogolin et al., 2011). Meanwhile, the implementation of an ICLE is a nationwide (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010) and European educational aim (EUCIM-TE). The subject of my interdisciplinary, qualitative case study is the collaboration of pre- and primary school teachers for an ICLE at the transition from pre- to primary school.
Research on collaboration of pre- and primary schools and teachers is highly fragmented, and there is no research on the special case of collaboration of early childhood-practitioners for an ICLE. Thus, the study integrates and combines different theoretical perspectives. It is based on the discourse on educational equality from an intercultural education point of view (Gogolin/ Salem, 2014), that focuses on terms and conditions for an educational practice that is confronted with linguistic diversity and aims to respond to challenges that arise from this situation, without excluding certain groups of children. Also research from an ecological perspective of human development and biographical transitions (Bronfenbrenner/ Morris, 2006; Faust, 2008) is included. From this point of view, collaboration of pre- and primary school teachers serves to promote children’s skills and knowledge acquisition, but there are institutional as well as individual differences, e.g. the pedagogical orientations, which are supposed to hinder the collaboration. Moreover, research on networks and collaboration in the education system (Gräsel et al., 2006; van Santen/ Seckinger, 2003; Helsper 2006) is integrated. It points to the relevance of individual characteristics (e.g. knowledge and skills for collaboration itself and the subject of collaboration, pedagogical orientations) and institutional characteristics and conditions (such as the ‘institutional culture’ and structures) for collaboration. Likewise, (inter-) national research on the quality of the education system is taken into account (Holtappels, 2009; CoRe 2011). Here, inter-individual and inter-institutional collaboration are aspects of educational quality. In summary, it can be stated that collaboration is a multidimensional construct. Under which conditions which aspects of collaboration are important for an ICLE is an open question, which guides this study.
Thus, it focuses on individual characteristics, institutional environment and their interrelations. The research questions are: How do pre- and primary school teachers collaborate? Under which conditions do they collaborate? How good do they collaborate under these conditions?
The aim of this work is to find out which aspects of collaboration conduce to an ICLE in which way. Thereby, the study aims to extend the theoretical knowledge on collaboration of pre- and primary school teachers. Moreover, the results can provide concrete evidence for the implementation of an ICLE at the transition from pre- to primary school, which is not only relevant to Germany, but to other European countries with transitions through the educational cycle (Ahtola et al., 2011; EUCIM-TE).
Expected Outcomes
Abs, Hermann Josef/ Diedrich, Martina /Sickmann, Helge /Klieme, Eckhard (2007): Evaluation im BLK-Modellprogramm Demokratie lernen und leben: Skalen zur Befragung von Schüler/-innen, Lehrer/-innen und Schulleitungen. Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente 2006. – Frankfurt am Main. Ahtola, Annarilla/ Silinskas, Gintautas/ Poikonen, Pirjo-Liisa/ Kontoniemi, Marita/ Niemi, Pekka/ Nurmi, Jari-Erik (2011): Transition to formal schooling: Do transition practices matter for academic performance? In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26, 3, S. 268-277. Bronfenbrenner, Urie/ Morris, Pamela A. (2006): The Bioecological Model of Human Development. In: Handbook of Child Psychology (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) 1: 793–828. Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Hrsg.) (2010): Bundesweites Integrationsprogramm. Angebote der Integrationsförderung in Deutschland – Empfehlungen zu ihrer Weiterentwicklung. – Nürnberg. CoRe (2011): (1.2.2014) EUCIM-TE: URL: (1.2.2014) Faust, Gabriele (2008): Übergänge gestalten - Übergänge bewältigen. Zum Übergang vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule. In: Thole, Werner/ Roßbach, Hans-Günther/ Fölling-Albers, Maria/Tippelt, Rudolf (Hrsg.): Bildung und Kindheit. Pädagogik der Frühen Kindheit in Wissenschaft und Lehre. – Opladen, S. 225-240 Gogolin et al.(2011): Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund FÖRMIG. Bilanz und Perspektiven eines Modellprogramms. – Münster. Gogolin, Ingrid/ Salem, Tanja (2014): Germany. In: Germany. In: Stevens, Peter/ Dwarkin, Gary (Eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education. - Palgrave. Gräsel, Cornelia/ Fußangel, Kathrin/ Pröbstel, Christian (2006): Lehrkräfte zur Kooperation anregen - eine Aufgabe für Sisyphos? Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 52 (2006) 2, S. 205-219. Helsper, Werner (2006): Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften – eine Fundierung von Lehrerarbeit? In: Hinz, Renate/ Pütz, Tanja (Hrsg.): Professionelles Handeln in der Grundschule. – Baltmannsweiler, S. 15-31. Helsper, Werner/ Hummrich, Merle/ Kramer, Rolf-Torsten (Hrsg.) (2010): Qualitative Mehrebenenanalyse. In: Friebertshäuser, Barbara/ Langer, Antje/ Prengel, Annedore (2013): Handbuch Qualitative Forschungsmethoden in der Erziehungswissenschaft. 4. Auflage. – Weinheim, S. 119-135. Holtappels, Heinz Günter (2009): Qualitätsmodelle – Theorie und Konzeptionen. In: Kamski, Ilse/ Holtappels, Heinz Günter/ Schnetzer, Thomas (Hrsg.): Qualität von Ganztagsschule – Konzepte und Orientierungen für die Praxis. - Waxmann, S. 11-25. Kauffeld, Simone (2001): Der Fragebogen zur Arbeit im Team (F-A-T). In: Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 45 (1), S. 26-33. Mayring, Phillip (2010): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken. 11., aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage. – Weinheim und Basel. Santen, Erik van/Seckinger, Mike (2003): Kooperation: Mythos und Realität einer Praxis. Eine empirische Studie zur interinstitutionellen Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. – München. von Bülow, Katrin (2011): Anschlussfähigkeit von Kindergarten und Grundschule. – Bad Heilbrunn.
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