Session Information
19 SES 04, Parallel Paper Session
Parallel Paper Session
This paper presents some issues relevant to the research conducted during the preparation of a doctoral thesis. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the role and impact of initial training is teaching the students in physical education from the University of Almería, from what they feel, think, do and say.
The role of initial training should focus on designing professional and human profile from a holistic perspective, however, the debate on education is more concerned about what to do that how to do and to that what, an issue that is much more evident in the college education, and this reflects the disconnect between society and citizenship. The Bologna Declaration (1999) and the EESS is the stage for rethinking the university classrooms as places to which they will learn and build knowledge, concerned with the processes of learning and not focused exclusively on the application of models and teaching techniques.This requires integration work and orchestration between knowledge and skills (Phillipe Perrenoud, 2004), and the only way to purchase it is acting in a singular context, characterized by labor relations, organizational culture, temporal aspects, random situations, with uncertainties and emergencies.
The traditional educational (pedagogic) project developed a technical education and instrumental forget other dimensions of the person as communication skills, social participation, personal development, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. This involve a homogeneous practices without individual differences, cultural and social people. The technical advances in education leading to a specialization of knowledge and that teachers teach in isolation, with fixed times and places, regardless without regard (regardless) to diversity of student. From the theoretical point of view, these procedures underlying the idea that people learn by imitation, repetition and training (Brito, 1997). In the field of physical education, the domain of psychology and behavioral learning perspective was especially influenced by their relationship to the body. The emphasis on measuring technical model led to the educational goals of physical education were defined almost exclusively in terms of development of physical skills and link them to the idea of personal and social development of the people. Meanwhile, the critical theory questions the values that embodied practice has associated, as well as the uncritical reproduction of social structures. However, there is now an important concern to understand the historical issues, cultural, political and ideological about the body and moving the motor from an educational point of view. This perspective includes the training of the subject all physical abilities sensory, mental, emotional, affective, expressive... From this position, the physical education and the body in movement becomes a means for better understanding of himself, active learning and emancipatory education, with order that the students progress in making personal decisions.
Expected Outcomes
Angulo, J. (1993). ¿Qué profesorado queremos formar? Cuadernos de pedagogía, 220, 36-39. Arnaus, R. (1995). Voces que cuentan y voces que interpretan: reflexiones en torno a la autoría narrativa en una investigación etnográfica. En J. Larrosa, R. Arnaus, V. Ferrer, N. Pérez, F. Connelly & D. Clandinin et al, Déjame que te cuente. Ensayos sobre narrativa y educación (pp.165-190). Barcelona: Laertes. Britto, L. (1997). A sombra do caos. Campinas: Mercado de Letras. Contreras, J. (1996).Teoría y práctica docente. Cuadernos de pedagogía, 253, 92- 100. De la Torre, S. (1998). Enfoque de interacción sociocultural: un modelo de formación integral en la enseñanza. Universidad de Barcelona. Mimeo De Mattos Medina, B. (2012). Tesis doctoral: La voz del alumnado. Una investigación narrativa acerca de lo que siente, piensa, dice y hace el alumnado de Magisterio de Educación Física en su formación inicial. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería Fernández-Balboa, J. M. (2003). Postmodernidad e investigación en la Educación Física. Ágora para la EF y el deporte, 2, 5-22. Flick, U. (2004). Introducción a la Investigación Cualitativa. Madrid: Morata. Fraile, A. (1995). El maestro de Educación Física y su cambio profesional. Salamanca: Amarú Ediciones. Freire, P. (2002). La educación como práctica de la libertad. Madrid: Siglo veintiuno de España editores. Kirk, D. (1990). Educación Física y currículum. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. Maturana, H. (1995). Emociones y lenguaje en educación y política. Santiago: Dolmen Ediciones. Pérez Gómez, A. (1997). Socialización y Educación en la época postmoderna. En B. Bernstein, R. Flecha, J. Goikoetxea, J. García, A. Pérez Gómez, R. Fernández et al, Ensayos de pedagogía crítica (pp.45-65). Madrid: Editorial popular. Perrenoud, P. (2004). Diez nuevas competencias para enseñar: profesionalización y razón pedagógica. Barcelona: Graó. Rivas, J. I. (1996). Investigación Naturalista en Educación. Una Revisión Crítica. Valencia: Editorial Promolibro
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