Session Information
04 SES 09 B, Collaborative Teaching II
Parallel Paper Session
This paper aims to present some results of an ongoing Phd investigation on the inclusion of two students in a ordinary school (Ainscow, 2008; Barton, 1998; Echeita, 2009). This research has been developed by some members of the Research Group on Care Diversity at the University of Vic (Grup de Recerca en Atenció a la Diversitat, GRAD).
This research focused on three aspects: first, reconstruction through the life stories of the experiences of children with functional diversity in the processes of inclusion (Parrilla, 2010);secondly, the educational organization of the classroom to facilitate the inclusion of children and improve their quality of life (Pujolàs, 2008; Cuomo, 2007)and thirdly, the process of counseling with teachers to take out innovative and inclusive experiences (Lago & Onrubia, 2010). Basis of this research are also the guidelines of UNESCO (1994, 2001) the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2003) and OCDE (2005).
The research context is a region of Catalonia (Spain). In Catalonia, all regions have special schools, but two. We focused the study on a ordinary school of one of these two regions. Unwilling to fit it into diagnostic categories because we understand them as individuals and not as concepts (Antich, 1993) these children have been diagnosed with Autism on the one hand, West Syndrome and Aicardi Syndrome, on the other hand.
The purpose of the research presented is: "To know, to reconstruct, to analyze and to assess the origin, process and impact of educational inclusion of two children with functional diversity in a ordinary school through his life story". And the specific objectives are:
- Describe and to reconstruct the origin, process and impact of the inclusion of these two children in a school and classroom.
- Promote the dynamics that enable the inclusion of these two children at the center in which they are enrolled.
- Improving the teaching of these children attend classrooms to encourage their participation, contribute to increased quality of interpersonal relationships with other partners to create a climate affective and emotional status allows them a better life.
Expected Outcomes
Ainscow, M. (2008). Mejorar las escuelas urbanas: liderazgo y colaboración. Madrid. Narcea. Antich, X. (1993). El rostre de l’altre. Passeig filosòfic per l’obra d’Emmanuel Lévinas. València: Eliseu Climent Editor. Barton, L. (Comp.), (1998). Discapacidad y sociedad. Madrid: Morata. Cuomo, N. (2007). Verso una scuola dell’emozione di conoscere. Il futuro insegnante, insegnante del futuro. Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Echeita, G. (2009). Paradojas y dilemas en el proceso de inclusión educativa en España. Revista de Educación, 349, 153-178. European Agency for Developement in Special Needs Education (2003). Inclusivament Education and Effective Classroom Practices. Lago, J. R., & Onrubia, J. (2010). Asesoramiento psicopedagógico y mejora de la práctica educativa. Barcelona: Horsori. Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (2005). School Factors Related to Quality and Equity. Results from Pisa 2000. Paris: OCDE. Palacios, A. Romañach, J. (2006). La Bioética y los Derechos Humanos como herramienta para alcanzar la plena dignidad en la diversidad funcional. Santiago de Compostela: Diversitas Ediciones. Parrilla, M. A. (2010). Etica para una investigación inclusiva. Revista de Educación Inclusiva, 3(1), 165-174. Porter, J. Ouvry, C. Morgan, & M. Downs, C. (2001) Interpreting the communication of people with profound and multiple learning difficulties. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29, 12–16. Pujolàs, P. (2008). 9 ideas clave. El aprendizaje cooperativo. Barcelona: Graó. Stake, R.E. (2010). Qualitative Research: Studying How Things Work. New York: The Guilford Press. UNESCO (1994). Declaración de Salamanca. Informe final: Conferencia Mundial sobre Necesidades Educativas Especiales: Acceso y Calidad. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Secretaria de Estado de Educación. UNESCO (2001). Understanding and Responding to Children’s Needs in Inclusive Classrooms: a guide for teachers. Paris.
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