Network: 04. Inclusive Education
04 SES 01 B, Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Stein Erik Ohna
- Primary school playgrounds’ in Catalonia: social and cultural inclusive spaces?
- Pedagogical contributions from Rural Schools
Cris Molins-Pueyo
Laura Domingo Peñafiel
04 SES 01 C, Parents’ Views I
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Anne Nevøy
- Challenging the Conceptualization of ‘Parental Involvement’ in Education: Policy and Practice
- Circles, Squares and Triangles: The Geometry of Family/Professional Relationships
- Education of Students with Difficulties from the Parents' Point of View
Myria Pieridou Helen Phtiaka
Dianne Ferguson Philip Ferguson
Adinda Dulčić Lidija Čilić Burušić Koraljka Bakota Katarina Pavičić Dokoza
04 SES 01 A, Biographical Experiences of People with Disability in European Educational Systems
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Gottfried Biewer
- Biographical Experiences of People with Disability in European Educational Systems
Gottfried Biewer Tobias Buchner Michael Shevlin Miguel Ferreira Camille Latimier
04 SES 02 A, Attitudes of Different Groups I
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 15:15-16:45, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Gottfried Biewer
- Teachers' Attitudes on Inclusion: An Analysis of the Specific Conditions under Which Inclusive Education Is Being Developed in Spain
- Using Action Research to Promote Spontaneous Communication in Children with Autism at School in the UK
- Teachers` Self-evaluation of Inclusive Education in Czech Primary Schools
Esther Chiner-Sanz Maria Cristina Cardona Molto
Lila Kossyvaki Glenys Jones
Jana Kratochvílová Jiří Havel
04 SES 02 C, Parents’ Views II
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 15:15-16:45, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Anne Nevøy
- Parents’ attitudes, views and opinions towards inclusion in England and Cyprus
- Look Who's Talking - Inclusive Perspectives on Family-centered Support for Families with Deaf Children that Have Cochlear Implants
- Integration in Italian Primary Schools. The Voices of Children and Parents from Elsewhere. A Comparison with Canadian Context.
Christoforos Mamas Linda la Velle Jan Georgeson
Marieke Bruin
Paola Dusi marilyn steinbach
04 SES 02 B, Discussing Concepts I
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 15:15-16:45, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Julie Allan
- Entitlement and Non-adherence in Schools
- Developing a Unifying Language for Inclusive Education
George Head
Judith Hollenweger
04 SES 03 A, Attitudes of Different Groups II
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Gottfried Biewer
- Promoting Inclusive Education by Employing Disabled People’s Work in the Curriculum
- “Including But Not Limited To”. Fostering Inclusion in Italian and Spanish schools.
Eleni Damianidou Simoni Symeonidou
Fabio Dovigo Anna Pietrocarlo
04 SES 03 B, Discussing Concepts II
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Julie Allan
- Theoretical Background of Inclusive Education as the Mirror of the Current Situation in the Slovakia
- What Could Be An Inclusive Education For All ?
- The Production of Inclusive Education Research: a Double Bind?
Barbora Mihalikova Eva Jamrichova
Danielle ZAY Graciela PADOANI DAVID
Julianne Moss Joanne Deppeler Roger Slee Catriona de Bruin
04 SES 03 C, A Comparative Analysis of Teachers’ Roles in Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Hannu Savolainen
- A Comparative Analysis of Teachers’ Roles in Inclusive Education
Hannu Savolainen Petra Engelbrecht Stefanija Alisauskiene Slavko Gaber Mirna Nel Xu Jiacheng
04 SES 04 C, Policy Evaluation
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Katja Petry
- Perceptions of Policy Makers in Israel with regard to the Education of Students with SEN: An Exploratory Study
- The SEN epidemic: Voices from the Norwegian School System - is there a cure?
- Is Italy Rethinking School Integration Of Pupils With Disabilities?
Gilada Avissar Perach Licht
Stein Erik Ohna Anne Nevøy Anne Nevøy
Dario Ianes
04 SES 04 A, Experience of Immigrant (Youth) in Education I
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Liz Todd
- Teachers` Discretion in Discourses about Minority Students` Learning Disabilities
- Gypsy Students’ Struggles with Negative Prejudices: A Case of a Disadvantaged Group
- Sustaining and spreading students' voice experiences. A research study in the Community of Cantabria, Spain
Brit Steinsvik
İlknur Maya
Ignacio Haya Teresa Susinos Carlos Rodríguez Hoyos
04 SES 04 B, The Skilled Practitioner
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Mara Westling Allodi
- Preparing Student Teachers for ‘Inclusion’; Debating Outcomes from Students’ Extended Placement in Special Education Settings.
- Working Inclusively with the Special
Panagiota-Paty Paliokosta Bronwen Cullum
Inger Assarson
04 SES 05 A, Barriers for (Promoting) Inclusion I
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Lani Florian
- Inclusive dialogues in European Policy Arenas
- Schools on the Same Wavelength: a Local Network of Inclusive Schools
- Teacher´s Feedback and Social Integration: Is there Link between Social Referencing Processes and Social Integration in School
Julie Allan
Angeles Parrilla Manuela Raposo Rivas María A. Muñoz Cadavid
Christian Huber
04 SES 05 B, Effective Provison: Achievement
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Stein Erik Ohna
- A Propensity Score Matching Analysis of the Effects of Mainstream versus Special Education on Math Learning
Gudrun Vanlaar Jan Van Damme Machteld Vandecandelaere Bieke De Fraine
04 SES 05 C, Self-Concept
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Claes Nilholm
- Self Efficacy and Collective Efficacy Beliefs of Teachers for Children with Autism
- A Moving Image Education Retrospective: Learner Identity and Inclusive Pedagogy
Evelina Dimopoulou
George Head Angela Jaap
04 SES 05.5 PS, General Poster Exhibition
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 12:30-14:00, Room: FCEE - Poster Exhibition Area, Chair:
- Development for All in an Era of Transnational Educational Measurements
- Evidence-Based Practices in Inclusive Education
- Finland: Towards an Inclusive Schooling System
- Can we speak of inclusion in schools? A study in search of good practice
- Inclusive Education in Flanders anno 2012
- Educating in context of social exclusion in the province of Granada (Andalusia). The teacher needs.
- Language And Reading Skills in children with and without SEN
Lena Lang Lisbeth Ohlsson
Laura Gómez Beatriz Gallego López Henar Rodríguez Benito Arias
Meike Kricke
Mª Esther Martínez Figueira
Katja Petry Dorien Jansen
Francisco Javier Amores Fernández Maximilian Ritacco Real
Susanne Schwab Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera
04 SES 06 A, Basic Rights
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Claes Nilholm
- Principals at a Crossroads: Legislation Affecting Students with Disabilities
- Seeking Inclusion through the Quagmire: Written versus Enacted UN Disability Rights Conventions
- Beyond Development: Applying the Human Development Paradigm to Teaching Children with Special Needs and Disabilities
Mariela Rodriguez Elizabeth Murakami
Ben Whitburn
Cristina Devecchi
04 SES 06 B, Effective Provision: Improving Education
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Philip Ferguson
- “Do You Really Want to Hear Me Out?” Young People With Varying Dis/abilities About Their Research Participation
- Promoting Inclusive Practice for Pupils Experiencing Social and Emotional Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD)
- Enhancing Inclusive Education through Engagement with Individual Perspectives: a matter of philosophy, methodology and pedagogy
Gudrun Svedberg Lena Lidström
Joan Gaynor Mowat Stuart Hall Myrthe Jacobs
Jane Tarr Diana Tsokova
04 SES 06 C, Effective Provision: Models
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Goele Bossaert
- How Individualized are the Individualized Education Plans (IEP): an Analysis of the Contents and Quality of the IEP’s goals
- Silent in Class. Focus on Introvert Behaviour in one Teacher's Classroom.
- Individual Education Plans in Irish Primary Schools: A National Perspective
Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Sílvia Alves Pedro Lopes-dos-Santos Miguel Santos
Anne-Lise Sæteren
Michael Shevlin Richard Rose Eileen Winter Paul O' Raw
04 SES 07 B, Students’ Experiences in Education
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair:
- Identification and Support for Students with Special Educational Needs in Post-Secondary Educational Institutions in Singapore
- ‘You can do this yourself’: How Young People on the Autistic Spectrum Experience Transitions from School to FE / HE
Iris Yu
Sheena Bell Cristina Devecchi Conor Mc Guckin Michael Shevlin
04 SES 07 A, Collaboration between Organizations (Closing Gaps)
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair:
- Collaborative Consultation as a Way to Promote Inclusive Education?
- Closing The Attainment Gap To Improve Inclusion: Changing Attitudes Or Improving Opportunities?
- Systems of Resource Allocation and Deployment for Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Irish Schools
Christel Sundqvist
Liz Todd
William Kinsella Lelia Murtagh Joyce Senior
04 SES 07 C, Barriers for (Promoting) Inclusion II
Wednesday, 2012-09-19, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Lani Florian
- Narrow-minded Accountability Measures Create Failure Schools in Disadvantaged Contexts. A Case Study of a Junior-High School
- Right of School Inclusion and Professional Hierarchies : a New « Dirty Work » in the French Classroom ?
Mara Westling Allodi
Hélène Buisson-Fenet Mathieu Potte-Bonneville
04 SES 08 C, Teacher Training
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Philip Ferguson
- Enacting inclusion: An examination of the inclusive pedagogy of beginning teachers
- Professional development and identity (re)formation: the particularities of the experiences of teachers training to specialise in the areas of SEN
- Improving the Use of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to Document Holistic Functioning Profiles: a Teacher Training Program
Lani Florian Jennifer Spratt
Clare Woolhouse
Manuela Sanches-Ferreira Sílvia Alves Pedro Lopes-dos-Santos Cidália Ferreira-Alves
04 SES 08 A, Collaborative Teaching I
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Jonathan Rix
- The impact of training on Teaching Assistants’ professional development: opportunities, barriers and future strategy
- Development of co-teaching during one year in Finland
Julian Brown Cristina Devecchi
Marjatta Takala Lotta Uusitalo-Malmivaara
04 SES 08 B, Social Participation
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Katja Petry
- Social Participation of Students with SEN in Mainstream Schools
- Friendship Quality of Students with SEN at the Start of Mainstream Secondary School in Flanders.
- Looking over the Border: Social Participation of Students with Special Educational Needs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway
- The Role of Attitudes of Students in the Acceptance of Peers with Special Educational Needs
Goele Bossaert Sip Jan Pijl Katja Petry Elias Avramidis Hilde Colpin Anke de Boer Per Frostad
Goele Bossaert Hilde Colpin Sip Jan Pijl Katja Petry
Goele Bossaert Anke de Boer Per Frostad Sip Jan Pijl
Goele Bossaert Sip Jan Pijl Anke de Boer
04 SES 09 B, Collaborative Teaching II
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Jonathan Rix
- The Inclusion of Two Children with Functional Diversity in a Ordinary School. What Happens?
- The Born Identity?: How Classroom Assistants Construct Their Identities: The Importance of Class and Gender.
- ‘I Can Sign Like You- Social Connections and Friendships Between Peers in Early Years Settings.
M. Teresa Segués Jesús Soldevila Naranjo Mila Pere Pujolàs Lago José Ramón
Kevin Wright
John Parry
04 SES 09 C, Experience of Immigrant (Youth) in Education II
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Liz Todd
- Identities of immigrant girls in a secondary school in Catalonia (Spain). Comparison with a high school in California.
- Biographical Narratives of Young Immigrants About Their Relationships with the University and the Professional Sector
- Beyond Educational Success – A Layered Reality Of The Educational Experiences Of Immigrant Students
Maribel Ponferrada-Arteaga
Rachel Fendler Juana M. Sancho Gil Fernando Hernández Hernández Judith Arrazola Carballo
Iulia Mancila
04 SES 09 A, Attitudes towards Students with SEN in Mainstream Schools
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Goele Bossaert
- Attitudes towards Students with SEN in Mainstream Schools
- School Cultures and Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusion
- Attitudes of Pupils, Students and Working People towards Inclusive and Segregated Settings
Katja Petry Elias Avramidis Susanne Schwab Goele Bossaert Sip Jan Pijl Markus Gebhart
Elias Avramidis
Susanne Schwab Markus Gebhart
04 SES 09.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 12:30-13:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Sip Jan Pijl
- Network Meeting
Sip Jan Pijl
04 SES 10 A, Access to Education for Students with Disabilities in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Mikael Luciak
- Access to Education for Students with Disabilities in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- Mind the Gap…: Accessibility of Schools for Children with Disabilities in Addis Ababa
- “I Wish She Could Visit Our Local School…” - Selected Factors Influencing School Attendance of Children with Disabilities in Bangkok
- Parents’ Capabilities and Societal Attitudes - Influencing Variables Regarding Equal Access to Education of Children with Disabilities in Vienna
Mikael Luciak Margarita Schiemer Yirgashewa Abdi Michelle Proyer Siriparn Sriwanyong Michaela Kramann Lani Florian
Margarita Schiemer Yirgashewa Bekele Abdi
Michelle Proyer Siriparn Sriwanyong
Michaela Kramann
04 SES 10 B, Gender and Inclusion
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: Dóra Sigríður Bjarnason
- Gendered Experiences Of Schooling: Dynamics And Inequalities Within Four Caribbean Secondary Schools
- Combating Homophobic Prejudice by Interactive Education about Fundamental Rights
- LGB Students in Secondary Schools: Results of a Survey Study in Flanders
Mike Younger Mary Cobbett
Peter Dankmeijer Marie Debicki Antonella Passani Björn Klinkenberg
Saskia Aerts Mieke Van Houtte Alexis Dewaele
04 SES 10 C, Teachers’ Views I
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Dianne Ferguson
- Changing from within: how can research help to improve practice for Special Educational Needs Coordinators
- Mainstream and Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions about Roles and Responsibilities in Co-taught Classrooms
Mary Doveston Julian Brown
Vasilis Strogilos Abraham Stefanidis Eleni Tragoulia
04 SES 11 A, (Understanding Attitudes) Inclusive Classroom
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Per Frostad
- Using Lesson Study to Improve Teaching and Learning of Pupils Identified with Moderate Learning Difficulties in Secondary Schools in England
- Classroom management and Adapted Education in the Inclusive School - what about The Didactic Dimension?
- “Index for Inclusion” in Use: national methodological guidelines (the Italian Case)
Annamari Ylonen Brahm Norwich
Anne Karine Svee
Heidrun Demo Vanessa Macchia Dario Ianes
04 SES 11 B, Leadership and Inclusive Education I
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: George Head
- Head Teachers´ Strategies in Inclusive Schools – an Interview Study.
- The journey travelled – A view of two settings a decade apart
- Teachers´Leadership in the Heterogeneous Pedagogical Environments
Gunilla Lindqvist Claes Nilholm
Jonathan Rix John Parry Kieron Sheehy Katy Simmons
Maria Olsson Gun-Marie Wetso
04 SES 11 C, Teachers’ Views II
Thursday, 2012-09-20, 17:15-18:45, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Dianne Ferguson
- Special Education to Inclusive Education: The Perspective of University Students
Juan Leiva Olivencia Estefanía Almenta López
04 SES 12 B, Leadership and Inclusive Education II
Friday, 2012-09-21, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 17, Chair: George Head
- Analysis of the New Full-inclusive Policies in the Autonomous Province of Trento’s School System (Italy).
- Principals’ Views on Inclusive and Special Education: A Comparative Study in Finland and in Alberta, Canada
- What Department Heads of Teacher Training Programs Think and Do Towards Inclusive Education?
Francesco Zambotti Heidrun Demo Dario Ianes
Markku Jahnukainen
Orit Gilor Pnina Shavit
04 SES 12 A, Parents’ Hopes and Dreams for the Education of Disabled and Marginalised Children Explored through the Looking-Glass of Four Different Cultures
Friday, 2012-09-21, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Dóra Sigríður Bjarnason
- Parents’ Hopes And Dreams For The Education Of Disabled and Marginalised Children Explored Through The :ooking-glas Of Four Different Cultures.
- Communities Taking Control of the Educational Inclusion Agenda - A Small Scale Initiative in Addressing Policy Challenges
- Factors Influencing the Coping and Caring of Parents of Children with Disabilities Attending Schools in Greater Bangkok
- Working with Parents of Children with a Disability – a Continuing Dialogue
- Icelandic Support Systems after the Economic Crash through the Eyes of Families with Children Diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum
Richard Rose Dóra Sigríður Bjarnason Michelle Proyer Elisabeth De Schauwer Geert Van Hove Dianne L. Ferguson Johnson Jament
Richard Rose Johnson Jament
Michelle Proyer
Elisabeth De Schauwer Geert Van Hove
Dora Bjarnason
04 SES 12 C, Construction of Differences
Friday, 2012-09-21, 09:00-10:30, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Inger Assarson
04 SES 13 C, Students’ Voices and Decision-making
Friday, 2012-09-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 18, Chair: Hannu Savolainen
- Empowering Children. Expanding Students’ Voice to School Improvement and Local Development
- Voices on school failure. The students have the floor
María ainoa Zabalza Esther Martínez Maria Isabel Doval Ruiz
J. Eduardo Sierra Nieto Nieves Blanco García
04 SES 13 B, Ten Years After: A History of Roma School Desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe
Friday, 2012-09-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula Magna, Chair:
- Ten Years After: A History of Roma School Desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe
- Financing And Other Policy Tools
- Teachers and Pedagogy
- Community Involvement
Andrew Ryder Iulius Rostas Marius Taba Iulius Rostas
Iulius Rostas
Andrew Ryder
Marius Taba
04 SES 13 A, What is Special? Implications and Case Studies From a Review of 55 Countries
Friday, 2012-09-21, 11:00-12:30, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Anne-Lise Arnesen
- What is special? Implications and case studies from a review of 55 countries
- ‘Special’? What’s so different?
- What is special? Collaboration and the relationship between health and education – implications from a three country study
- What Is Special? Identifying Issues Of School Placement Through An International Vignette Study
- What is special? A 55 system view of the identification of need and provision of support
Jonathan Rix Martin Crisp Anne-Lise Arnesen Francesco Zambotti Kieron Sheehy Felicity Fletcher-Campbell
Felicity Fletcher-Campbell Jonathan Rix Kieron Sheehy
Martin Crisp Jonathan Rix Kieron Sheehy Felicity Fletcher-Campbell
Kieron Sheehy Jonathan Rix Felicity Fletcher-Campbell Martin Crisp
Jonathan Rix Kieron Sheehy Felicity Fletcher-Campbell Martin Crisp
04 SES 14, Quality Standards within Inclusive Education in Different Countries
Friday, 2012-09-21, 15:30-17:00, Room: FFL - Aula 16, Chair: Rolf Werning
- Quality Standards within Inclusive Education in Different Countries
- Defining Quality Standards within Inclusive Education - A Qualitative Study with Regular and Special Education Teachers in Germany
- Conceptualisations of Quality in Inclusive Education in England
- No Stone Left Unturned: Exploring the Emergence of New Capitalism and Quality Standards in Inclusive Education
Jessica M. Loeser x x Rolf Werning Alan Dyson Federico Waitoller Mikael Luciak Elizabeth Kozleski
Rolf Werning Jessica M. Loeser
Alan Dyson
Federico Waitoller Elizabeth Kozleski
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