Session Information
04 SES 07 C, Barriers for (Promoting) Inclusion II
Parallel Paper Session
In France, since 2005, the right for disability pupils to attend «standard lessons» at school proves that the ancient division of the education field between 2 parts - one part where classical education is applied, one dedicated to misfit pupils - is no more appropriate. Nonetheless, the Law re-introduces another kind of partitioning : in parallel with families and with teachers, the Auxiliaires de Vie Scolaire have to make the inclusion of disability pupils into the ordinary class-functioning more easy. This «inclusive-occupation» (Freidson), whose practical role remains weakly sketched, whose competency and status are uncertain, is situated on the periphery of disability policy. Moreover, it stands at the crossroad of contradictory orientations. It is in charge of the open access to the rights and to their implementation. But it’s also placed between a logic of delegation (only professional actors posess the mandate to specify the conditions of enforcement of the school-inclusion right) and a logic of relegation (the school-inclusion right is juxtaposed to the common application of schooling, without modifying school relationship). If the inclusion task of Auxiliaires de Vie Scolaire consists in tooking forward the recognition of pupils they accompany, they also participate to the professional invizibilization of disabilities. To what extent do they reach to modify the school order, which, just recently, was protected from the disorder of disabilities ?
Our paper will firstly recall the French invention of this school-inclusive occupation, in connection with the social perception of schooling and disability. It will then analyse the way these school-inclusive actors manage - or fail to manage - the definition of their role, and how they succeed - or not - to transform their occupation into professional values. Our theoretical framework deals with the foucaldian analysis of « disciplines », and we try to connect the interest of Foucault in defining bio-politics through normative control, with the interactionist outputs about « relationship professions » in public services.
Expected Outcomes
Arborio A.M., (2001), Un personnel invisible. Les aides-soignantes à l’hôpital, Paris, Anthropos. Buisson-Fenet H. (2008), « Usages de l'usager et distinctions professionnelles. Le cas des Conseillers Principaux d'Education », in Le Bianic T. et Vion A., Action publique et légitimtiés professionnelles, Paris, LGDJ, p.145-161. Evetts J. et Wilson K., (2005), « Different interpretations of Professionnalism : the Professionalization of Foster Care in the UK », in Knowledge, Work and Society, vol.3,n°2, p.59-80. Fablet D., (2000), « Une comparaison des modes de professionnalisation », in Chauvière M. et Plaisance E., L’Ecole face aux handicaps. Education spéciale ou éducation intégrative ? Paris, PUF, p.85-100. Goldstein J., (1984), « Foucault among the Sociologists : the « Disciplines » and the History of Professions », History and Theory, vol.23, n°2, mai, p. 170-192. Schulze H.J., Wirth W. (eds.), (1996), Who Cares ?, London : Cassel Scoth R. (1984) (2001), From Good Will to Civil Rights : Transforming Federal Disability Policy, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
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