Network Meeting 2018, Bolzano

Notes of network meeting, ECER 2018, Bolzano

Attendees: 10

After an initial introductory discussion in which everyone introduced themselves and outlined their research interests and interest in the network, the meeting focused on three main issues:

  1. The need to bring together researchers from different theoretical and methodological traditions (e.g. psychology, sociology, policy) to exemplify the range of possible approaches to the network’s focus on children and young people at risk. It was decided this could be the focus on a symposium or call for papers for ECER 2019.
  2. The need to explore and clarify different theoretical and cultural approaches to and definitions of ‘at risk’ children and young people.  It was proposed that the network apply for funding to convene a seminar to be held at the beginning of March (7th or 8th) as a starting point for what would become a network publication.  London was agreed as a potential venue for this.
  3. Linked to the issues already outlined, there is also a need to encourage researchers presenting in the network to focus more clearly and rigorously on the methodological and ethical challenges of working with at risk groups.  This would also be a focus of a call for papers for ECER 2019.

Michael Jopling
28 September 2018


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