EERA Executive Board Concerned about Reports of Infringrement of Academic Freedom in Turkey

The executive board of EERA as a learned society in educational research is deeply concerned about recent reports of infringements of academic freedom in Turkey, in particular in the aftermath of the recent attempt at a coup d’état. These reports refer, amongst other things, to the dismissal of over 1500 university deans and professors, and to a ban on foreign travel for academics in Turkey.

We do not want to interfere in domestic Turkish politics, but we can and must speak out when academic freedom is at risk. Academic freedom is vital for all disciplines, but particularly so for scholars studying education.

We call on the Turkish political authorities to take all possible steps to guarantee that all academics are allowed to continue their scholarly work without interference. Meanwhile we offer our sympathy and support to our Turkish affiliates and other academics in Turkey.

EERA Constitution

Please note, as EERA is organised as a German eingetragener Verein, the German version of the constitution is legally binding.