EERA and other research associations have endorsed a manifesto asking to recognize research and research based innovation as the main drivers of EU competitiveness and growth:
"Within a few months the EU Council will adopt the next Multiannual Financial Framework, setting up the Union budget for 2021-27, as well as the funds allocation for each one of the main chapters, namely Agriculture policy, Cohesion and Competitiveness.t is now the right time for recognizing research and research-based innovation as the main
drivers of EU competitiveness and growth. This opportunity will be pivotal to rethink R&I
policies and investments in Europe, putting research and innovation at the forefront. To this end, the forthcoming EU Multiannual Financial Framework will be a significant political challenge and constitutes a unique occasion for the EU Member states, through an adequate funding with substantial increase of the present budget allocation, to concretely translate these wishes into fact."
Read more:<link http: index.php for research and>
EERA Constitution
Please note, as EERA is organised as a German eingetragener Verein, the German version of the constitution is legally binding.