EERA’s response to EASSH "FP9 must invest in Research for a Democratic Union"

The central message of the response of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) to the Framework Programme 9 consultations is that EERA is happy with the inclusion of a recommendation about education and the emerging consensus of the necessity to use the Programme to enhance the social aspect of Europe in the coming years. EERA further welcomes the initiative by EASSH to develop a common platform to bring the insights and concerns of the broad community of social science and humanities (SSH) researchers to the Commission.

While we welcome the increased profile of education and other SSH disciplines in the current round of discussions we consider that the background of this recommendation is too limited and that, unfortunately, the vital role of educational and other SSH research for enhancing democratic structures and facilitating positive social transformation has been ignored. We believe an opportunity is being missed to incorporate within the 9th Framework the role of education and educational research as a critical source of solutions for the great societal challenges of our times; democratic participation, social transformation, (youth) unemployment, migration, terrorism, (social) inequalities, and political extremism.


<link file:860>EERAs response to EASSH position paper


EERA Constitution

Please note, as EERA is organised as a German eingetragener Verein, the German version of the constitution is legally binding.