Best Posters 2014

Nadja Maria Köffler is a PhD-student at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck (Austria).
Her poster investigates teacher educations students' moments of crisis and dimensions of their well-being in the course of their academic years. By means of an empirical interview study (N= 51 teacher education students) on students’ health-affecting difficulties during their studies their learning needs in the form of subjective developmental tasks were reconstructed (Grounded Theory). Since those developmental tasks mark significant steps within teacher educations students’ professional development, they need to be considered as an essential point of reference in curriculum development of univeristy teacher education.
<link file:2045 _self poster>This Nadja´s prize-winning poster

Marina Wagener is a PhD-student at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany and scholarship holder of the cooperative PhD programme "Landscapes of education".
Her poster gives an overview over her PhD project, which is a reconstructive-qualitative study concerning the learning experiences of young people in Germany engaging in child sponsorship programs for children in countries of the global South. The project aims at reconstructing global orientations by drawing on group discussions with students in German secondary schools who collectively sponsor a child. The poster illustrates preliminary findings of the analysis of three group discussions concerning two aspects, perception of and relationship to global South.
<link file:2046 _self>Take a look at Marina´s prize-winning poster