ECER 2024 - Call for Proposals and Network Special Calls

The ECER 2024 Theme is 'Education in an Age of Uncertainty: memory and hope for the future'. However, EERA welcomes contributions from the broad range of educational research.

In addition to the general call, some networks would like to encourage discussion on specific thematic topics and have therefore issued a special call. However, they will remain open for all other submissions within their area.

In order to submit to one of the NW Special Calls listed below, select the network first and then please ensure to choose the topic "NW XX Special Call" when you make your submission.

Network Special Calls

NW 04/07/30: In/exclusion, Migration and Sustainability

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In/exclusion, Migration and Sustainability
NW 04 Inclusive Education

There is a growing recognition that different cultural and social groups experience the impacts of environmental degradation in different ways, with marginalised and disadvantaged groups often suffering a greater intensity and disproportional impact of negative outcomes. With this joint special call, we aim to bring together research on inclusive education, intercultural education and education for sustainable development to address environmental and societal crises beyond mainstream discourses. In doing so, this joint special call targets the various intersections between ex/inclusion, (forced) migration and sustainability that have been insufficiently addressed in both (global) education policy and education research.

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NW 04/07/30: In/exclusion, Migration and Sustainability

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In/exclusion, Migration and Sustainability
NW 07 Social Justice and Intercultural Education

There is a growing recognition that different cultural and social groups experience the impacts of environmental degradation in different ways, with marginalised and disadvantaged groups often suffering a greater intensity and disproportional impact of negative outcomes. With this joint special call, we aim to bring together research on inclusive education, intercultural education and education for sustainable development to address environmental and societal crises beyond mainstream discourses. In doing so, this joint special call targets the various intersections between ex/inclusion, (forced) migration and sustainability that have been insufficiently addressed in both (global) education policy and education research.

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NW 14: Considering uncertainty in educational research exploring school-community relationships

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Considering uncertainty in educational research exploring school-community relationships

NW 14 Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research

Respecting the conference theme, ’Education in an age of uncertainty: memory and hope for the future’, ECER/EERA Network 14 invites contributions exploring how ‘uncertainty’ is integrated in school-community relationships in all locations, in particular those involving families and schools in the socio-educational development of the community. For example: How can community engagement in education be redefined in a period of uncertainty? How trust can be built in community engagement at a time of uncertainty? How to create collaborative relationships between families and schools based on current realities and future hopes?

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NW 15 - A: Partnerships for the goals: Partnerships in education and the SDGs

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Partnerships for the goals: Partnerships in education and the SDGs
NW 15 Research on Partnerships in Education

The UNESCO writes that “a partnership is an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance in their mutual interests” and point out that education is “crucial” in achieving the sustainability goals through partnerships. In this call we invite contributions that critically examine if such ambition is possible and if so, how this can be achieved.

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NW 15 - B: The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects

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The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects
NW 15 Research on Partnerships in Education

The European Commission provides funding to support and sustain different types of partnership projects. In this special call we invite proposals from projects that have been or are currently funded through the Erasmus+ initiative and share their critical reflection on the nature of partnerships that are forged. Proposals should examine how strategic cooperations in the field of education and training, form and describe the conditions that shape the coming together of different practitioners. We invite reflections that consider theories and methodologies that examine the nature of these partnerships in education.

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NW 17: Longing for Past Futures, Hoping for Futures Past: The Potential of Histories of Ed-ucation for Educational Research

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Longing for Past Futures, Hoping for Futures Past: The Potential of Histories of Education for Educational Research
NW 17 Histories of Education

The emphasis on history and reflection in the general call for ECER 2024 clearly indicates histories of education have much to offer to educational research general-ly in terms of understanding current developments and conditions for possible fu-tures as related to such phenomena as memory, remembrance, longing and hope. Network 17 therefore invites proposals that tease out the potential of history of education scholarship for addressing contemporary issues in education involving work around memory, remembrance, longing, and hope and productively complicat-ing how past, present and future intra-/interrelate. Proposals can take the form of papers, (discussion) panels, roundtables, workshops, and posters.

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NW 21: To Deal or Not to Deal with Uncertainty

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To Deal or Not to Deal with Uncertainty
NW 21 Education and Psychoanalysis

ECER theme is ‘Education in an Age of Uncertainty: memory and hope for the future’. Since Freud, ‘Uncertainty’, ‘Memory’, ‘Hope’ and ‘Future’ are concepts explored in many directions. These questions need to be revisited today within the field of education. Which uncertainty are we talking about when we refer to psychoanalysis? Does it relate only to the historical social context of the time and how does it echoes an uncertainty based in the Interplay of outer experience and inner world? Uncertainties appear in all pedagogical institutions, which cannot be understood without reference to the unconscious movements at stake.

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NW 23: Education policy and the politics of education in an age of uncertainty

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Education policy and the politics of education in an age of uncertainty
NW 23 Policy Studies and the Politics of Education

What are the consequences of social turbulence for education? In particular, how are people from different groups living in diverse settings affected, how are policy actors positioned and educational responses negotiated, how do educationalists meet the challenges presented and what are the unintended consequences? We welcome proposals for symposia or individual papers based on scholarly analyses and/or empirical inquiries, considering broad social trends and/or specific cases, and identifying implications for education policy, practice and future research. We will invite selected authors to contribute to a journal special issue on this topic for publication in 2025.

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NW 25: Children’s rights in a time of instability and crisis – the role of education

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Children’s rights in a time of instability and crisis – the role of education
NW 25 Research on Children’s Rights in Education

We live in a time of global instability and multiple crises, such as war, threats to democracy and climate crisis. A rights perspective offers entrance points into this complex current and future landscape of instability and crisis. In this special call we invite presentations that address what role education can and should play for children’s rights in a time of instability and crisis.

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NW 27/NW31: Multilingual pedagogies supporting students' learning in all subjects

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Multilingual pedagogies supporting students' learning in all subjectsNW 27 Didactics - Learning and Teaching

The growing number of multilingual learners is challenging educators to reconsider traditional monolingual education. It has been argued (García et al., 2016) that all teaching should support the entire linguistic repertoires of multilingual students. Furthermore, there is substantial evidence that a strong knowledge of one’s first language supports learning both other languages and school subjects (Ganuza & Hedman, 2018; Ovando et al., 2011; Slavin & Cheung, 2005; Thomas & Collier, 1997). However, little is still known about the actual use of multilingual pedagogies in subject classrooms. With this special call, we invite researchers to submit papers related to this topic.

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NW 28: Social imaginaries of the future: the making and unmaking of certainty in education

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Social imaginaries of the future: the making and unmaking of certainty in education
NW 28 Sociologies of Education

While over the last decades sociologies of education have been preoccupied with the study of space (scales of governance, mobilities, transnationalization, policy borrowing and lending), the study of time has not received as much attention, with some noticeable exceptions however (see e.g. Lingard & Thomposon, 2017, Vanden Broeck 2019, 2020 for example or the special issue co-editied by Decuypere, Hartong & Oudeweetering 2020). In this call, we invite papers that engage with temporalities in education by asking how dedicated social constructions of time and the future in particular relate to the making and unmaking of certainty in education and education research.

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NW 29 - A: Care in Arts-Education Research

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Care in Arts-Education Research
NW 29 Research on Arts Education

In relation to the general theme of the conference “Education in an Age of Uncertainty: memory and hope for the future” EERA NW 29 invites to share and reflect on the ways in which care in arts and educational research is contributing to face uncertainty in education, as well as provide insights to elaborate more respectful, inclusive and responsible educational policy measures, practices and conceptions.

The call is especially addressed to promote the organisation of collaborative sessions with the contribution of researchers from various European countries in the form of symposia, research workshops, and round tables on this topic.

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NW 29 - B: The Materiality in Arts-Education Research

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The Materiality in Arts-Education Research
NW 29 Research on Arts Education

Materiality in arts and educational context is being addressed in different countries in Europe and elsewhere. From the arts & craft proposals to new materialisms research framework, there is the need to think in which ways materiality affects research. In which way materiality brings other conceptualizations, ontoespistemologies, methodologies and ethics in research (including more-than-human perspectives).

The call is especially addressed to promote the organisation of collaborative sessions with the contribution of researchers from various European countries in the form of symposia, research workshops, and round tables on this topic.


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NW 04/07/30: In/exclusion, Migration and Sustainability

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In/exclusion, Migration and Sustainability
NW 30 Environmental and Sustainability Education Research, ESER

There is a growing recognition that different cultural and social groups experience the impacts of environmental degradation in different ways, with marginalised and disadvantaged groups often suffering a greater intensity and disproportional impact of negative outcomes. With this joint special call, we aim to bring together research on inclusive education, intercultural education and education for sustainable development to address environmental and societal crises beyond mainstream discourses. In doing so, this joint special call targets the various intersections between ex/inclusion, (forced) migration and sustainability that have been insufficiently addressed in both (global) education policy and education research.

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NW 27/31 Multilingual pedagogies supporting students' learning in all subjects

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Multilingual pedagogies supporting students' learning in all subjects

NW 31 LEd – Network on Language and Education

The growing number of multilingual learners is challenging educators to reconsider traditional monolingual education. It has been argued (García et al., 2016) that all teaching should support the entire linguistic repertoires of multilingual students. Furthermore, there is substantial evidence that a strong knowledge of one’s first language supports learning both other languages and school subjects (Ganuza & Hedman, 2018; Ovando et al., 2011; Slavin & Cheung, 2005; Thomas & Collier, 1997). However, little is still known about the actual use of multilingual pedagogies in subject classrooms. With this special call, we invite researchers to submit papers related to this topic.

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NW 31: Linguistically responsive pedagogies (or language awareness) in teaching all subjects

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Linguistically responsive pedagogies (or language awareness) in teaching all subjects
NW 31 LEd – Network on Language and Education

PISA reports show that there is often a gap in learning outcomes between students with or without a migration background (OECD, 2019). To create opportunities for learning for all students, more information is needed on fostering linguistically responsive school cultures to support students’ identities, strengthen their sense of belonging, engage them more actively in literacy practices, and enhance learning in general (Lucas & Villegas, 2013). With this special call, we invite researchers to submit papers related to linguistically responsive pedagogies, where attention is paid to how teachers support the learning of the language of instruction simultaneously with learning subject content.

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NW 32: Organizing in Times of Uncertainty – Research Perspectives of Organizational Education

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Organizing in Times of Uncertainty – Research Perspectives of Organizational Education

NW 32 Organizational Education

Terror, war, right-wing-extremism, climate change - Network 32 discusses uncertainty in its relevance and multiple meanings for learning and education in, by and between organizations. Uncertainty is inherent to the dynamics of multiple political, economic, and social conditions of organizing and has recently been conceptualized as a socio-cultural, ontological and epistemological core category for theorizing and doing empirical research on organization. The term of ‘uncertainty’ has famously been highlighted by John Dewey, whose seminal work is of key interest for issues of uncertainty in organizational education. Against technocrat and mechanistic ideas and patterns of organizing, Network 32 reflects on the theoretical, empirical, methodological, and ethical dimensions of uncertainty for organizational education research. In doing so, the Network calls for exploring a variety of paradigmatic claims regarding uncertainty in, for example, the discourse, strategy, dynamics, and practice of Organizational Education.

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NW 33: Tackling crises and generating hope: including and transforming intersectional gender relations through education.

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Tackling crises and generating hope: including and transforming intersectional gender relations through education.
NW 33 Gender and Education

Crises of different magnitudes have emergent consequences and unanticipated impacts upon intersecting gender inequalities. Post-hoc analyses often recommend education-based remedies, e.g., through curricula or female education. Conversely, economically driven changes are regularly forward planned with policies involving the transformation of gender identities sometimes in built (e.g., women, black and minority ethnic groups having new identities within STEM). In both cases, initiatives often fail, and some identities are ignored by educational policies (e.g., disabilities, sexualities and women of colour). How can educational researchers, educators and activists follow international policy guidance, inbuild intersectional gender strategies and generate hopeful educational futures?

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ECER'25, Belgrade
ECER'26, Tampere
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