EERA, the European Educational Research Association, is the organising body behind ECER. It is an umbrella association of more than 40 national and regional educational research associations from across wider Europe. You can find more information here.
At ECER 2024 you will have the chance to meet the representatives of some of our member associations. These Meet & Greets will take place in the Publishers' Exhibition Area, at the EERA stand.
Flemish Educational Research Forum - Vlaams Forum voor Onderwijsonderzoek (VFO)
The Flemish Forum for Educational Research (VFO) wishes to be a platform for all those who are actively involved in educational research or professionally interested from a valorization, policy or educational perspective in Flanders. Every university or college that is involved in educational research is represented on our executive board , so that we can think and decide together on important themes.
To bring our members from the various organizations together in a relevant way, we work with 'professional learning communities' (PLG) around more defined, specific research themes. Each PLG is the platform for a smaller group of VFO members to come together meaningfully around a specific theme, to learn from each other, to make agreements to engage in co-creation, to think about possible research projects, to work together on project calls, to develop symposia for conferences, ... and everything that this group of researchers consider important.
The VFO also wants to profile itself as an interest group of Flemish educational researchers. Based on all of this work, the Forum wants to act as a discussion partner for the educational school networks, Flemish government, scientific research funders, etc. regarding educational research.
Wednesday 28 August, 12:30 - 13:45
The Netherlands Educational Research Association - Vereniging Onderwijs Research (VOR)
The Netherlands Educational Research Association is the professional society for researchers of education in The Netherlands. The association was founded in 1975 and has approximately 850 members. The VOR works in collaboration with the Flemish Forum for Educational Research (Vlaams Forum voor Onderwijsonderzoek/VFO).
The VOR consists of eleven divisions that are at the heart of the association. All members of the VOR are certified for free membership of one division and can become member of more. Ten of the eleven divisions organize activities for a domain of educational research. The eleventh division is the platform for PhD students: VPO. All PhD students in the VOR are members of VPO. The Division VPO organises special activities for PhD students.
Wednesday 28 August, 12:30 - 13:45
Spotlight on the ECER 2025
ECER 2025: Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives
We are excited to announce a promotional event for the upcoming European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2025, which will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from September 8 to 12, 2025. This event will feature engaging discussions with Serbian educational researchers, who will share insights into recent developments in Serbian educational research, the establishment of the National Association of Educational Researchers in Serbia, and offer a preview of ECER 2025.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to explore Serbian culture and education through short films, quizzes, and interactions with local researchers.
Join us for an informative and engaging preview of ECER 2025 in Belgrade!
Hosting EERA Member of ECER 2025:
The Educational Research Association of Serbia (ERAS), established in 2013, focuses on building and nurturing the educational research community in Serbia while enhancing its international visibility. The Association brings together experts from diverse fields with a shared interest in educational research. Since its inception, ERAS has concentrated on improving educational practices and advocating for equitable educational policies. Situated at the crossroads of various cultures and historical contexts, the Serbian education system and its research community have long been engaged in exploring the role of education in crises, interpreting significant social events, constructing collective narratives, and bridging diverse perspectives. Researchers within ERAS leverage available resources to address the unique characteristics and limitations of their context. Current research projects within the Association cover a broad spectrum of topics, including collaborative learning, inclusive and multicultural education, early literacy, digital skills, civic competence, and the assessment of social, emotional, and cognitive competencies.
Thursday 29 August, 12:30 - 13:45
The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) is a voluntary, non-political body, dedicated to the advancement of educational research in Ireland. This link will bring you to the ESAI website:
A primary aim of the ESAI is to ensure, as far as possible, that educational discourse in Ireland remains grounded in perspectives which are adequately acquainted with the evidence from the various disciplines of educational research and that educational policy-making at all levels remains similarly informed by arguments which are educationally sound.
Irish Educational Studies (IES) is the official international journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, with a current Impact Factor of 1.8. This link will bring you to the IES website page:
The ESAI Annual Conference 2025 will be held on April 10th to 12th, inclusive. The call for papers will open in September 2024 until October 31st. See here for an overview of our last annual conference:
The ESAI supports a network of Special Interest Groups listed on this link: It has a dedicated Early Career Researcher (ECR) strand and an annual award for the best ECR paper at the annual conference.
Membership is open to all with a research interest in education.
Thursday 29 August, 12:30 - 13:45
Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA)
The Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) was founded on March 24th, 1998. The 25th anniversary of the LERA establishment was celebrated last year, 2023. LERA aims to unite Lithuanian educational research specialists, synergize their efforts in advancing academic research, promote innovative educational and developmental practices, and enhance relationships with international organizations. Annually, about 300 members join the LERA community and participate in 19 Networking activities. Since 2018, LERA has convened annual conferences, during which the latest research is presented and scientific and practical experience is shared. Since 2020, the Education Forum "Educology for Lithuania – Towards Research-Based Education" has been organized, to disseminate the results of educational research to the entire Lithuanian education community. 34 events have already been held, some of which have over 1000 views on the YouTube channel. In February 1999, LERA joined EERA as an Associate Member, and in 2000 was granted full membership. Since then, LERA members have been regular participants in EERA conferences as presenters, reviewers, or participants in EERA networking activities. LERA congratulates EERA on the 30th anniversary of its founding and is delighted to be part of the EERA community.
Friday 30 August, 13:00 - 14:15

Important Dates ECER 2024
01.12.2023 | Submission starts |
31.01.2024 | Submission ends |
01.04.2024 | Registration starts |
03.04.2024 | Review results announced |
15.05.2024 | Early bird ends |
26.06.2024 | Presentation times announced |
30.06.2024 | Registration Deadline for Presenters |
26.08.2024 | ERC First Day |
27.08.2024 | ECER First Day |

Hosting Organisation

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