Formats of Presentation and Length of Presentations

Submission to be presented as one of several presentations in a session (ECER)

Papers ECER

Paper presentations usually last 15 – 20 minutes, plus some time for questions. Papers will be scheduled in 90 minute sessions which will normally include 3 papers on similar themes, in exceptional cases, 4 papers may be combined.  Also, sessions may consist of a mixture of papers and other presentation formats (e.g. Posters or Ignite Talks). To find out how many papers your presentation is scheduled with, please consult the online programme and search for you as author.

A paper is submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors; 2 of the 6 authors can be listed as presenting authors. 
The submission consists of an abstract (600 words), a methods section (400 words), conclusions (300 words) plus references (400 words).

EERA will nominate a chairperson for each session who will take care of time and manage discussion.

Please plan your presentation in a way to allow some questions within your presentation time. We suggest that you end your presentation with a couple of questions in order to stimulate discusion after the presentation.


A poster is submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors; 2 of the 6 authors can be listed as presenting authors. 
The submission consists of an abstract (600 words), a methods section (400 words), conclusions (300 words) plus references (400 words)

Posters are graphical presentations which are submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors. Posters must be printed in A1 size (594 x841 mm/ 23.3 x33.1 in) in portrait/upright format. Within ECER, posters are presented/displayed in two different ways:

  • in the General Poster Session/Poster Exhibition
  • or in a Network Session.

The decision on which type of session the poster will be presented in is made by the programme committee of the respective network. Authors will be informed in advance when and in which type of session they will present their poster.

General Poster Session/Poster Exhibition

The ECER Poster Exhibition is open from Wednesday morning till Friday lunch. Presenters are asked to hang their poster in the Poster Exhibition Area by 11:00 Wednesday morning.

All poster authors presenting in the General Poster Session must be at the Poster Exhibition Area to present their poster during the lunch break (12:15 – 13:15) on Wednesday. Poster authors should be prepared to explain their research and answer questions to the people who are attending the Poster Exhibition.

Please note: The ECER Poster Exhibition is open for public viewing from Wednesday lunchtime till Friday lunchtime. It is very important that the posters remain hanging in the Poster Exhibition till 12:00 on Friday.

Posters in Network Sessions

The network to which the poster is submitted may also decide to have posters presented within a regular session. This means the poster may be combined with papers, pecha kuchas, videos or other posters. The poster presenters will be expected to give a brief introduction (10 minutes maximum) to their poster and to answer questions. Combining different presentation formats within the 1.5 hours of a conference session has proven to be interesting for audience and presenters and changing between longer (e.g. papers) and shorter presentations (e.g. posters) allows for more variety in the rhythm of the conference sessions. 

Poster authors should hang their poster in the room in which they will be presenting at the latest by Wednesday at 11:00. (this can be done during the breaks between sessions) and leave their poster hanging till 12:00 on Friday.

NW 10 and NW 13 - Long Paper as Special Submission Format

In addition to standard papers, the  NW 13. Philosphy of Education and NW 10. Teacher Education Research offer a Long Paper Submission. For the Long Paper format, please write an extended paper proposal of minimum 2.000 words (excl. references and abstract, 6.000 maximum) and use the “upload contribution”  within conftool to share it with reviewers. The presentation time will be 30 minutes presentation and 15 minutes for discussion.

Video Presentations

Video presentations will be presented as part of a 90 minute interactive session which will include other videos and/or papers and/or posters, with a discussion after the film is shown. The length of the film should not be more than 5 - 7 minutes. Please note that video presentations are short films (live action or animated) not Prezi or PowerPoint presentations. To submit a video presentation, please submit an abstract (not the actual film). Video submissions will be subject to the same peer review process as all other submission formats.

Please note: Video presentations are not distance delivery presentations. Distance delivery presentations are not offered at ECER.

As it is important that the video is in a format that can be played on any laptop, please use MP4.

Once you have been informed of your presentation time, please contact EERA office if you would like to reserve loud speakers. Bringing your own is also an option.

A video is submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors; 2 of the 6 authors can be listed as presenting authors.

The submission consists of an abstract (600 words), a methods section (400 words), conclusions (300 words) plus references (400 words).

Ignite Talk (20 slides in 5 minutes)

EERA invites presenters to submit Ignite Talks. Contributions handed in as an Ignite Talk undergo the same peer review process as all other submission formats. Preferably, each session will have 3 - 5 Ignite Talk presentations with a chairperson prepared to engage participants in discussion. In some cases, the Ignite Talk presentations will be programmed together with paper and/or poster presentations.

An Ignite Talk is submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors; 2 of the 6 authors can be listed as presenting authors.

The submission consists of an abstract (600 words), a methods section (400 words), conclusions (300 words) plus references (400 words).

General Guidance for Ignite Talks

Ignite Talks have a fixed format in which presenters prepare 20 slides which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The result is a fast and fun presentation which lasts just 5 minutes. An example of a research-based Ignite Talk can be seen here.

To keep the time, the presentation software's timer needs be set so as to display each slide for 15 seconds before the next slide advances. Images are the key to an effective Ignite Talk. Try to find images that are illustrations or metaphors of your key points and/or use words-as-images.

Submission to be presented as the only presentation in a session (ECER)

Panel Discussions

A Panel Discussion is a forum for debate on one common theme addressed by at least 3 speakers from 3 different countries. It can list a maximum of 6 authors/contributors. The submission consists of an abstract (600 words) and references (400 words).

Bear in mind that the European/international dimension is very important to the success of your submission. Normally one session (90 minutes) is scheduled for a Panel Discussion and presenters need to nominate a chairperson for their session. Presenters should plan one hour for the presentation and a 30 minute discussion afterwards.


Symposia consist of one or two 90 minute conference sessions organised by the submitters. They include a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 papers (each paper has a maximum of 4 authors) per session plus a Chairperson and a Discussant. In order to guarantee a European/international perspective, at least three different countries/national perspectives must be represented within the papers presented in the symposium. The symposium needs to be handed in as one submission with a description of the symposium (up to 600 words) and abstracts for all papers linked to it (up to 400 word abstract per paper).

For the papers in the symposium and for the symposium descriptor references of up to 200 words each should be given. You will also be asked to state 3 - 5 keywords and list presenting authors and co-authors with email addresses and affiliations.

A Chairperson and a Discussant, who can offer a critique of the symposium, need to be named on the proposal. The proposer is responsible for communicating with all contributors and with the EERA Office about the proposal. Four weeks prior to the conference the proposer also needs to provide the discussant with a full set of abstracts of papers within the symposium.

Scheduling of Symposia
Symposia are scheduled throughout the conference. However please note that the last two conference sessions are used as preferred options for symposium presentations.

Symposia with more than 4 papers
When planning and submitting a symposium, please be aware that the maximum number of papers within a symposium session is 4, the minimum number is 3. If your symposium is bigger than 4 papers, you need to hand in the symposium as two parts and indicate in the title of the single parts that they belong together. The parts will be allocated in non-parallel, subsequent time slots. Plan all parts of the symposium according to the ECER guidelines with 3 countries represented in each session and a minimum of 3 papers per session. If after acceptance authors need to withdraw their participation, the organisers may reduce a symposium originally consisting of 2 conference sessions and allocate 1 session only.

Research Workshops

A Research Workshop focuses on methodological topics and may involve practical activity. Workshops are submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors. The submission consists of an abstract (600 words), a methods section (400 words), conclusions (300 words) plus references (400 words)

Normally one session (90 minutes) is scheduled for a workshop and presenters will be asked to manage/chair their session.


All submissions need to be directed towards an EERA network. Learn more about networks and their scope. 

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