Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA)
Improving Education Through Research
For almost 50 years, the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) has championed the need for high-quality educational research in Scotland. From its early days in the mid-1970s, the fundamental tenets of SERA were to "(i)…disseminate research findings on as wide a basis as possible and (ii) to improve communication among those working in different areas of the research field" (Nisbet, 1984). 50 years on, we are proud that these tenets and the ways we have revised them for the current age. We would like to invite delegates to join us during the meet and greet and via our exhibition space to discuss our overall purpose of: ‘Working for the improvement of education through promoting and sustaining high-quality educational research’.
The SERA 2024 annual conference will be held in Scotland from the 20-22nd November. Please join us there to continue conversations begun at ECER.
Wednesday 23 August, 12:00 - 13:30
Swiss Society for Research in Education SSRE (SGBF)
The Swiss Society for Research in Education SSRE was founded in 1975. As a Society, it belongs to the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS) and the European Educational Research Association (EERA).
It has around 550 members from all the scientific disciplines of relevance for educational research. The Society aims to strengthen educational research in a national and international scientific context and promote young scientific researchers. It holds an Annual Conference every year.
The members of the Society organize themselves in subject-based working groups, which make a significant contribution to the specialist discourse in science and society. They also serve to network education researchers, research institutes and regions. The working groups hold conferences with a national and international reach.
Theoretical and empirical educational research findings are published in German, French, Italian and English in the peer-reviewed, fully open access Swiss Journal for Educational Sciences (SJER). The SJER does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Article Submission Charges (ASCs) and does allow the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
Wednesday 23 August, 12:00 - 13:30
Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA)
The Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA), established in 2015, stands as a non-governmental organisation with approximately 500 members. Through annual conferences and dynamic online discussions, UERA serves as a vibrant hub for scholarly exchange. Committed to advancing knowledge, UERA provides financial support to both individual and group research projects. In 2023, ten impactful projects have been supported by the European Educational Research Association.
UERA's influence extends through its transformative seasonal schools that unite members from diverse regions, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and idea sharing. In challenging times marked by the full-scale war, UERA serves as a source of firsthand information and offers guidance to members facing vulnerabilities.
Thursday 24 August, 12:00 - 13:30
The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
The Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) is a voluntary, non-political body, dedicated to the advancement of educational research in Ireland. This link will bring you to the ESAI website:
A primary aim of the ESAI is to ensure, as far as possible, that educational discourse in Ireland remains grounded in perspectives which are adequately acquainted with the evidence from the various disciplines of educational research and that educational policy-making at all levels remains similarly informed by arguments which are educationally sound.
Its various events provide a public forum where research findings are presented, educational ideas are voiced, and a richer understanding of educational practice is promoted. Irish Educational Studies (IES) is the official journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland. It is listed in the Thompson Reuters Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)™, and its international profile continues to grow with a current Impact Factor of 1.7. This link will bring you to the IES website page:
The ESAI Annual Conference 2024 will be held in Maynooth University on April 4th to 6th, inclusive. The call for papers will open on September 8th 2023 until October 31st. See here for an overview of our last annual conference:
The ESAI supports a network of Special Interest Groups which are listed on this link: It has a dedicated Early Career Researcher (ECR) strand at its annual conference and an annual award for the best ECR paper.
- The ESAI is affiliated with the European Educational Research Association and has close links with SERA, NERA, BERA and AERA.
- Membership of the ESAI is open to all those with a research interest in education.
- The ESAI is a CLG, Company Limited by Guarantee
Friday 25 August, 12:00 - 13:30
Come and See Next Year's Host Association and Location
Cyprus Pedagogical Association (CPA) - Host of ECER 2024
Dear colleagues,
ECER 2024 is around the corner and we are now ready to answer all your questions regarding the conference in Cyprus. Come along to our meet and greed session! We can get to know each-other and discuss any issues you have regarding next year's conference!
Your hostess
Helen Phtiaka
Friday 25 August, 12:00 - 13:30
Important Dates ECER 2023
01.12.2022 | Submission starts |
31.01.2023 | Submission ends |
01.04.2023 | Registration starts |
01.04.2023 | Review results announced |
15.05.2023 | Early bird ends |
26.06.2023 | Presentation times announced |
30.06.2023 | Registration Deadline for Presenters |