Session Information
07 SES 09A, Schools and Communities
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Beare, H., Caldwell, B., and Milikan, R. (1989) Creating an excellent school London, Routledge. Begley, P (2007) Editorial Introduction: Cross-cultural perspectives on authentic school leadership, Educational Management Administration and Leadership 35 (2) 2007 Busher, H (2006) Understanding Educational leadership: People, power and culture, Buckingham: Open University Press Chapman, C. and Harris, A. (2004) Improving schools in difficult and challenging contexts: strategies for improvement, Educational Research, 46(3), 219 -228. Cooper, P. Drummond, M. Hart, S. Lovey, J. and McLaughlin, C. (2000) Positive alternatives to exclusion, London: RoutledgeFalmer Fielding, M (2004) Transformative approaches to student voice: Theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant realities, British Educational Research Journal, 30 (2): 295-310 Foucault, M (1977) Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison, trans. A. Sheridan, London: Allen Lane Holliday, A (2004) Intercultural communication : an advanced resource book London: Routledge, Hopkins, D. (2001) School improvement for real London, Falmer Press. Hoyle, E. (1986) The politics of school management, London: Hodder and Stoughton Mittendorf, K., Geijsel, F., Hoeve, A., Laat, M. D. & Niewenhuis, L. (2005) Communities of practice as stimulating forces for collective learning Journal of Workplace Learning, 18, 298-312. Riley, K and Rustique-Forrester, E (2002) Working with disaffected students, London: Paul Chapman Robbins, S.P., (2003) Organizational behaviour, 10th Ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall. Rudduck, J and Flutter, J. (2000) Pupils Participation and Pupils Perspective: Carving a new order of experience, Cambridge Journal of Education. 30 (1): 75-89. Sergiovanni, T. (2001) Leadership: what’s in it for schools? London: Routledge Falmer. Smyth, J. Dow, A. Hattam, R. Reid, A. and Shacklock, G. (2000) Teachers’ work in a globalising economy, London: Falmer Press Starratt, R. J.(1999) Moral dimensions of leadership, in P. T. Begley and P. E. Leonard (eds) (1999) The Values of Educational Administration, London: Falmer Press Trompenaars, F and Woolliams, P (2003) A New Framework for Managing Change Across Cultures, Journal of Change Management, 3 (4): 361-74. Vincent, C (2000) Including parents? Education, citizenship and parental agency, Buckingham: Open University Press Wragg, E.C., Haynes, G.S., Wragg, C.M. and Chamberlin, R.P. (2000) Failing Teachers? London: Routledge
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