Session Information
07 SES 06A, Citizenship Education
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Colnerud, G. (1995). Etik och praktik i läraryrket. En empirisk studie av lärares yrkesetiska konflikter i grundskolan. Stockholm: HLS förlag. Colnerud, G. (2004). Lärares moraliska praktik. Instruktion, konversation och interaktion [The teacher’s moral practice. Instruction, conversation and interaction; in Swedish]. In G. Colnerud (ed.). Skolans moraliska och demokratiska praktik. Värdepedagogiska texter I. linköpings universitet, IBV rapportserie. Sweden: Linköping. Eurydice. (2005). Citizenship Education at school in Europe. Eurydice. The information network on education in Europe. Cambridge University Press. Gustafsson, S. (2008). Shame and Confidence – Knowledge and Social Codes. Interaction in a School with Democratic Ambitions. In M. Sandström Kjellin & J. Stier (eds). Understandings of Citizenship. Report II. EPT-project 129382-CP-1-2006-1-SE- COMENIUS-C21. Gutmann, A. (1987). Democratic Education. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. Roth, K. (2007) 'Cosmopolitan Learning', in Roth, K. & Burbules, N. (eds) Changing Notions of Citizenship Education in Contemporary Nation-states. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers. Sandström Kjellin, M., Stier, J., Einarson, T., Davies, T. and Asunta, T. (2007). Pupils’ Voices about Citizenship Education – A Comparative Study in Finland, Sweden and England. (submitted). Sandström Kjellin, M. & Stier, J. (2008a). Citizenship in the classroom: transferring and transforming transcultural values. Intercultural Education. Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2008, 41-51. Sandström Kjellin, M. & Stier, J. (2008b). (eds). Understandings of Citizenship. Report II. EPT-project 129382-CP-1-2006-1-SE-COMENIUS-C21. Torres, C. A. (2006) Democracy, Education, and Multiculturalism: Dilemmas of Citizenship in a Global World. In: Lauder, H., Brown, P., Dillabough, J.-A. & Halsey, A. H. (eds) Education, Globalization, and Social Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wibeck (2000). Wibeck, V. 2000. Fokusgrupper. Om fokuserade gruppintervjuer som undersökningsmetod [Focus groups. About focused group interviews as a research method; in Swedish]. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur.
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