Session Information
07 SES 09B, Multi-Ethnic Complexities
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Some of the references are below: S. Mojab & N. Abdo (2004), Violence in The Name of Honour: Theoretical and Political Challenges. (eds.) Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, p: 113- 125. Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2004) The Myth of The Military-Nation: Militarism, Gender and Education in Turkey. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Ayata, B. & Yükseker, D. (2005) ‘A Belated Awakening: National and International Responses to the Internal Displacement of Kurds in Turkey’, New Perspectives on Turkey (32), Spring, p: 5-42 Brubaker, R. (2000) ‘Beyond “Identity”’, Theory and Society (29): 1-47. _____ (2002) ‘Ethnicity Without Groups’, Archives Europhéennes de Sociologie, XLIII (2), p: 163-189. Carbado, D.W. (1999) ‘Introduction: Where and When Black Men Enter’, in D.W. Carbado (ed.), Black Men On Race: Gender, and Sexuality. New York: New York University Press, p: 1-17. Connell, R.W. 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Lanham & Boulder & New York & Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, p: 161-172 ______([1996] 2001) ‘İstanbul’a Bir Kent Kondu: Ümraniye’ (Built Up City in Istanbul: Ümraniye). Istanbul: İletişim Işık, O. & Pınarcıoğlu, M.M. ([2001] 2002) ‘Nöbetleşe Yoksulluk: Sultanbeyli Örneği’ (Shifting Poverties: Example of Sultanbeyli). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları Kandiyoti, D. (1991) ‘Islam and Patriarchy: A Comparative Perspective’, in N.R. Keddie & B. Baron (eds.), Women in Middlle Eastern History. New Heaven: Yale University Press, p: 23-41. ______ (1996) ‘The Paradoxes of Masculinity: Some Thoughts on Segregated Societies’, in A. Cornwall & N. Lindisfarne (eds.), Dislocating Masculinity: Comparative Ethnographies. London: Routledge, p: 197-213. ______ (1997a) ‘Gendering the Modern: On Missing Dimensions in the Study of Turkish Modernity’ in S. Bozdoğan, R. Kasaba (eds.), Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey. University of Washington Press, p: 113- 133. ______ (1997b) Cariyeler, Bacılar, Yurttaşlar: Kimlikler ve Toplumsal Dönüşümler (Odalisques, Sisters, Citizens: Identities and Social Transformations). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. ______ (2002) ‘Pink Card Blues: Trouble and Striffe at the Crossroads of Gender’, in D. Kandiyoti & A. Saktanber (eds.), Fragments of Culture: That Everyday of Modern Turkey. London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, p: 277-293 Keskin, F. K. (1994) ‘Sunuş: Özne ve İktidar (Preface: Subject and Knowledge)’, in M. Foucault, Özne ve İktidar (Subject and Power). İstanbul: Ayrıntı. _______ (2002) Problematization and Games of Truth: Michel Foucault’s Analyses of the Constitution of the Subject in Political Modernity. Colombia University (Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy Thesis) Keyder, Ç. (1999) ‘A Tale of Two Neighborhoods’, in Ç. Keyder (ed.), Istanbul: Between The Global and The Local. Lanham & Boulder & New York & Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, p: 173-186. Kurban, D. (2006) Zorunlu Göç ile Yüzleşmek: Türkiye’de Yerinden Edilme Sonrası Vatandaşlığın İnşası. (Facing The Forced Migration: The Construction of Citizenship After The Internal Displacement in Turkey) İstanbul: Tesev. Mayer, T. (2000) ‘Gender Ironies of Nationalism: Setting The Stage’, in T. Mayer (ed.), Gender Ironies of Nationalism: Sexing the Nation. London & New York: Routledge, p: 1-22. Mignolo, W. D. (2000) Local Histories/Global Designs. Coloniality, Subaltern Knoeledges, and Border Thinking. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Monterescu, D. (2006) ‘Stranger Masculinities: Gender and Politics in a Palestinian – Israeli “Thid Space” ’, in L. Ouzgane (ed.), Islamic Masculinities. London & New York: Zed Books, p: 123-142. Ouzgane, L. (2006) ‘Islamic Masculinities: An Introduction’ in L. Ouzgane (ed.), Islamic Masculinities. London & New York: Zed Books, p: 1-7. Peteet, J. (2000) ‘Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada: A Cultural Politics of Violence’, in M. Ghoussoub & E. Sinclair-Webb (eds.), Imagined Masculinities: Maled Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East. London: Saqi Books, p: 103-126. Secor, A. (2004) ‘There is An Istanbul that Belongs to Me: Citizenship, Space, and Identity in The City’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(2), p: 352-368. Sinclair-Webb, E. (2000) ‘ “Our Bülent Is Now a Commando”: Military Service and Manhood in Turkey’, in M. Ghoussoub & E. Sinclair-Webb (eds.), Imagined Masculinities: Maled Identity and Culture in the Modern Middle East. London: Saqi Books, p: 65-102 Young, I.M. (1990) Justice and The Politics of Difference. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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