Session Information
22 SES 07D, Teacher Education (and Children’s Services) in Higher Education (3)
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Ader, Jean (1975). Building Implications of the Multi-Option School, OECD Programme on Educational Building, Paris Alexander, C. (1977). A Pattern Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anderson, L., Barron, D., Jackson, S., Baulch, K., Ginters, L., Glover, J., (2004). Design Provision in Victorian Senior Secondary Schools: Final Report prepared for the Department of Education and Training Victoria. Melbourne. Barron, D., Anderson, L., Jackson., S (2005) "Designing by Practice: A New Professional Doctorate in Design" in T. W. Maxwell,C. Hickey & T. Evans (Eds) Working doctorates: the impact of Professional Doctorates in the workplace and professions. revised papers from the fifth Professional Doctorates conference Deakin University December 2004, Research Institute for Professional & Vocational Education & Training, Deakin University, Geelong Barron, D., Jackson, S., & Anderson, L. (2005). Ignorance, Environmental Education Research and Design Education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education. Vol 21, 2005 Barron and Zeegers (2006) ‘Subjects of Western Education: Discursive Practices in Western Postgraduate Studies and the Construction of International Student Subjectivities’, Australian Educational Researcher. Vol 33, Number 2, August 2006 Ceppi, G. Zini, M. (1998). Children, Spaces and Relations: Metaproject for an environment for young children. Municipality of Reggio Emilia & Italian Ministry of Education. Reggio Emilia. Commonwealth Department of Education Science and Training (DEST). (2003). Backing Australia's Ability - Building Our Future Through Science and Innovation. Canberra: Australian Government. Darling, J., & Nordenbo, S. E. (2003). Progressivism. In N. Blake, P. Smeyers, R. Smith & P. Standish (Eds.), The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of education (pp. 288-308). Oxford and other places: Blackwell. Department of Education Employment and Training. (2001). Guidelines for managing cultural and linguistic diversity in schools. Melbourne: Department of Education Employment and Training. Department of Education Employment and Training. (2005) Research on Human Learning. Background Paper No.1. Melbourne: Department of Education Employment and Training. Department of Education & Training. (2006) Building Futures: Policy and Process for Victorian Government Schools. School Resources Division Melbourne: Department of Education Employment and Training. Department of Education Employment and Training. (2006). Primary ideas: Projects to enhance primary schools environments. London: DES Retrieved from Department of Education and Training. (2003). Blueprint for government schools. Retrieved 28.03, 2006, from Gee, J. (2006). Literacy, learning and video games. EQ Australia, winter( the ICT agenda), 4-5. Groundwater-Smith, S., Ewing, R., & Le Cornu, R. (2003). Teaching: Challenges and dilemmas (2nd ed.). Southbank, Vic: Thomson. Hargreaves, D. (2005). About Learning. Report of the Working Group, Demos Foundation James, H. (1999). The information-literate school: Not just a pretty face. In H. James & K. Bonanno (Eds.), The information literate school community: Best practice (pp. 1-10). Wagga Wagga, NSW: Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University. Jonassen, D. H., & Howland, J. (2003). Learning to solve problems with technology: A constructivist perspective. Upper Saddle River, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall. Krause, K.-L. (2006). Dimensions of Student Engagement: New Opportunities for Learning and Teaching: Keynote Paper at the University of Ballarat Learning and Teaching Conference. Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia. Lackney, J. A., & Jacobs, P. J. (2006). Teachers as placemakers: Investigating teachers' use of the physical learning environment in instructional design, from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (1975). Ader, J. Building Implications of the Multi-Option School. OECD Programme on Educational Building. Paris. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2006) 21st Century Learning Environments. OECD Programme on Educational Building. Paris. Project Zero, Reggio Children. (2001). Making Learning Visible: children as individual and group learners. Harvard University. Thackara, J. (2006). In the bubble: Designing in a complex world. Massachusetts, MIT Press. van Manen, M. (1990). Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action-Sensitive Pedagogy. New York: State University of New York Press. Upitis, R. (2006). "School Architecture and Complexity". Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education. vol 1. no 1 (pp.) Vick, M. (2001). More than just classroom teaching: Teachers and teachers' work in a changing society. In J. Allen (Ed.), Sociology of education: Possibilities and practice (pp. 65-87). Katoomba, Qld: Social Science Press. Washor, E. (2003). Translating Innovative Pedagogical Designs Into School Facilities Designs. Unpublished Doctor of Education, Johnson & Wales University, Providence. Wolff, S. (2002). Design Features for Project-Based Learning. Unpublished Condensed version of PhD thesis [Electronic Version], Oregon State University, Corvallis. Zeegers, M., & Barron, D. (2000). More than an apprentice model: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) and the research conference for postgraduate students. In M. Kiley & G. Mullins (Eds.), Quality in Postgraduate Research: Making Ends Meet (pp. 179-190). Adelaide: The Advisory Centre for University Education, University of Adelaide. Zeegers, M., & Barron, D. (2006). Generic skills training. In C. Denholm & T. Evans (Eds.), Doctorates Downunder: Successful doctoral study in Australia and New Zealand (pp. 88-94). Camberwell, Vic: ACER Press.
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