The high-priority objective of the investigation work that we present has been to generate, in and for a Spanish school of Infantile and Primary Teaching (study of case), a new methodological model that, from the knowledge and the evaluation of the main macro variables and variable interveners in the bilingual teaching-learning processes and the incorporation of the TIC to the same ones, It favours the development of basic competences for the appropriate yield of the students and participant professors in these educational processes. This activity is justified in the necessity of improving the bilingual programs that one comes developing in the region where we have intervened.
In a first phase we approach, using the technique of groups of collaborative discussion (among professors, students and families), the diagnosis of the mentioned macro variables and variables, integrated in turn in these five fields (environments) of institutional knowledge: Curricular planning (Environment 1), educational Community (Environment 2), teaching Process (Environment 3), Operation of the class and area (Environment 4), and Project of bilingual teaching (Environment 5).
From each one of these five functional dimensions of the school (or environments) they have been defined the following macro variables and variables: A.1) Macro variable 1: Curricular project of Centre (variables: fundamental aspects, operability, and process aspects), A.2) Macro variable 2: Relationship centres educational-community (variables: effectiveness, objectives, purposes and the way of elected system , strengths and weaknesses, and it improves and progress); Macro variable 3: : Family circle (variables: parents, strengths and weaknesses, and students), A.3) Macro variable 4: Didactic-organizational activity in the classroom (variables: materials, communication, teaching, motivation, autonomy and evaluation); Macro variable 5: Orientation, tutorship and evaluation (variables: orientation and tutorship and evaluation); A.4) Macro variable 6: Perception of the students of their teaching-learning process (variables: how we work in class? how the activities are? how the evaluation is? how the atmosphere of my class is? and I also want to say), and A.5) Macro variable 7:The own valuation of the bilingual project of the institution (variables: general aspects and specific dimensions).
In a second phase, you have proceeded to the evaluation, quantitative and qualitative, of the variables that conform and agree each one of the investigated macro variables. For it, and as techniques and like skills to obtain objective information about the same ones, the questionnaire, the participant observation, the analysis of documents, the seminars, the discussion groups, and the personal manufacturer's collaborative and critical analysis have been applied.
A critical and collaborative analysis of the data contributed from the field work, as well as a bigger integration of the TIC like didactic resource and of organization in the educational project of the pilot centre, it has allowed to find lines of improvement in the methodological model used till now in the school, facilitating their innovation and, parallel, the construction of a virtual community (by means of the electronic mail, elaboration of a page web, chats and other internet contributions), promoting with everything , the permanent formation of the professors and the facilitation of new communication ways among the different community classes, which in a medium-term in the future must help and contribute to develop in the students the cognitive, linguistic and academic skills and abilities.
Expected Outcomes
The high-priority objective of the investigation work that we present has been to generate, in and for a Spanish school of Infantile and Primary Teaching (study of case), a new methodological model that, from the knowledge and the evaluation of the main macro variables and variable interveners in the bilingual teaching-learning processes and the incorporation of the TIC to the same ones, It favours the development of basic competences for the appropriate yield of the students and participant professors in these educational processes. This activity is justified in the necessity of improving the bilingual programs that one comes developing in the region where we have intervened.
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