Session Information
07 SES 01, Segregated Schooling
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Alesina, Alberto and Arnaud Devleeschauwer, William Easterly, Sergio Kurlat and Romain Wacziarg (2003) “Fractionalization” Journal of Economic Growth, vol 8 Almgren, Ellen (2006) Att fostra demokrater: om skolan i demokratin och demokratin i skolan, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Amadeo, J.A., J. Torney-Purta, R. Lehmann, V. Husfeldt, and R. Nikolova (2002) Civic knowledge and engagement: AN IEA study of upper secondary students in sixteen countries, Amsterdam: IEA Banerjee, Abhiji, Rohini Somanathan and Lakshmi Iyer (2006) “History, Social Division and Public Goods in Rural India”, Journal of the European Economic Association Charles, Camille Zubrinsky (2003) “The Dynamics of Racial Residential Segregation” Annual Review of Sociology vol. 96 Coleman, David (2006) “Immigration and Ethnic Change in Low-Fertility Countries: A Third Demographic Transition” Population and Development Review vol. 32(3) Council of Europe (2001) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cutler, David M. and Edward L. Glaeser (1997) “Are Ghettos Good or Bad?” Quarterly Journal of Economics vol. 112 European Communities (2004a) Many tongues, one family – languages in the European Union, Brussels: Luxembourg Office of Official Publications of the European Communities European Communities (2004b) Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity, Brussels: Luxembourg Office of Official Publications of the European Communities Fekjaer, Silje Noack and Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund (2007) “Does the Ethnic Composition of Upper Secondary Schools Influence Educational Achievement and Attainment? A Multilevel Analysis of the Norwegian Case”, European Sociological Review, vol. 23(3) Fry, Richard (2007) “Are Immigrant Youth Faring Better in U.S. Schools?” International Migration Review, vol. 41(3) Glick, Jennifer E. and Bryndl Hohman-Marriott (2007) ”Academic Performance of Young Children in Immigrant Families: The Significance of Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin”, International Migration Review, vol. 41(2) Griffin, John D. and Brian Newman (2005) “Does Descriptive Representation Produce Political Equality?”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 2005 Grogger, Jeff T. (1996) ”Does school quality explain the recent black/white trend?” Journal of Labor Economics vol. 14 Gutmann, A. and D.F. Thompson (1996) Democracy and Disagreement: Why moral conflict cannot be avoided in politics, and what should be done about it, Cambridge: Belknap Press Habyarimana, James, Macartan Humphreys, Daniel Posner, and Jeremy M. Weinstein (2006) “Why Does Ethnic Diversity Undermine Public Goods Provision”, IZA Discussion Paper Hanushek, Eric A. (2002) “Evidence, policy, and the class size debate” in The Class Size Debate, edited by Lawrence Mishel and Richard Rothstein.Washington D.C: Economic Policy Institute Hoxby, Caroline M. (2000) “Peer effects in the classroom: Learning from gender and race variation”, Working paper 787, National Bureau of Economic Research Lijphart, Arendt (2004) “Constitutional Design for Divided Societies”, Journal of Democracy, vol. 15(2) Luskin, R., J. Fishkin, N. Malhotra and A. Siu (2007) “Deliberation in the Schools: A Way of Enhancing Civic Engagement”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Consortium for Political Research 2007 Marschall, Melissa and Dietlind Stolle (2004) ”Race and the City: Neighborhood Context and the Development of Generalized Trust”, Political Behavior, vol. 26(2) Mutz, D.C. (2002) ”Cross-cutting social networks: Testing democratic theory in practice”, American Political Science Review, vol. 96(1) OECD (2003) Trends in International Migration, Paris: OECD Ogbu, J. U. (1992) “Understanding Cultural Discontinuities and Schooling”, Educational Researcher, vol. 21(8) Oliver, Eric J. and Tali Mendelberg (2000) “Reconsidering the Environmental Determinants of White Racial Attitudes” American Journal of Political Science vol. 44(3) Oliver, Eric J. and Janelle Wong (2003) “Intergroup Prejudice in Multiethnic Settings”, American Journal of Political Science vol47(4) Phillips, Ann (1995) The Politics of Presence, Oxford: Clarendon Press Pong, Suet-ling and Lingxin Hao (2007) “Neighborhood and School Factors in the School Performance of Immigrants’ Children”, International Migration Review, vol. 41(1) Putnam, Robert (2007) “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century”, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 30(2) Rothstein, Bo and Staffan Kumlin (2007) “Minorities and Mistrust: The Cushioning Impact of Informal Social Contacts and Political – Institutional Fairness”, Quality Of Government Institute working paper Scholz, John T. (1998) “Trust, Taxes and Compliance” in Trust and Governance, editors Valerie Bratihwaite and Margaret Levi, New York: Russel Sage Foundation Schwindt-Bayer, K., A. Leslie and William Mishler (2005) “An Integrated Model of Women’s Representation”, The Journal of Politics 67(2) Steinberg, L. (1996) Beyond the Classroom, New York: Simon & Schuster Szulkin, Ryszard and Jan o. Jonsson (2007) “Ethnic Segregation and Educational Outcomes in Swedish Comprehensive Schools”, SULCIS Working Paper 2007:2 Tolsma, Jochem, Marcel Coenders and Marcel Lubbers (2007) Trends in Ethnic Educational Inequalities in the Netherlands: A Cohort Design, European Sociological Review, vol. 23(3) Torney-Purta, J., R. Lehmann, H. Oswald, and W. Schulz (2001) Citizenship and education in twenty-eight countries: civic knowledge and engagement at age fourteen, Amsterdam: IEA Van der Silk, F. W. P., G. W. J. M. Driessen and K. L. J. de Bot (2006) ”Ethnic and socioeconomic class composition and language proficiency. A longitudinal multilevel examination in Dutch elementary schools”, European Sociological Review vol. 22 Zhou, Min (1997) “Growing up American: The Challenge Confronting Immigrant Children and Children of Immigrants” Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 23
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