Session Information
07 SES 04B, Intercultural Education Concepts
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Alitolppa-Niitamo, A. (2004). Somali youth in the context of schooling in metropolitan Helsinki: A framework for assessing variability in educational performance. Journal of Etnich and Migration Studies, 30(1) 81-106. Bourdieu, P. (1997). ”The forms of capital. In A. H. Halsey, H. Lauder, P. Brown, & A. Stuart Wells (Eds.) Education, Culture, Economy, and Society, 46-58. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Banks, J. A. & McGee Banks, C. A. (Eds.) (2004). Multicultural education. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass. Bennett, C. I. (1999) Comprehensive multicultural education. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Boutte, G. (1999) Multicultural education. Raising consciousness. Boston: Wadsworth. Duarte, E. M. & Smith, S. (2000) Foundational perspectives in multicultural education. New York: Longman. Brekke, J.-P. (2002). Children and adolescents with an immigrant background. An overview of Nordic research. TemaNord 562. Hatch, A. (2002). Doing qualitative research in education settings. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Holm, G. (2008). “Visual Research Methods: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?” in S. Hesse-Biber and P. Leavy (Eds.), Handbook of Emergent Methods. Guilford. Holm, G, (2007a). “Educational opportunities for culturally diverse students: The role of teachers, schools, and policies,” Visnyk of Lviv University (Pedagogical Series). Holm, G. (2007b). ”Opening the borders for educational mobility: The role of teachers.” A. Bezsonyuk (Ed.) The Collection of Proceedings. Krements, Ukraine: Krements Taras Ahevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute. 2007, pp. 166-173. Holm, G. (2005a), “Multicultural and Global Teacher Education: A Choice or a Necessity?” in Tetyana S. Koshmanova, Ed., Pedagogy for Democratic Citizenship, pp. 13-27. L’viv, Ukraine: Ivan Franko National University of L’viv Publishing House. Holm, G. (2005b), “Academic Service-Learning: A Path to Civic Engagement in Tetyana S. Koshmanova, Ed., Pedagogy for Democratic Citizenship, pp. 174-190. L’viv, Ukraine: Ivan Franko National University of L’viv Publishing House. Holm, G. (2005c), “Multicultural education as life-long learning for educators,” in N. A. Lobanov (ed.) Community Education, pp. 245-256. St. Petersburgh, Russia: UNESCO International Center of Learning Systems. Holm, G. (1995). Handled But Not Heard: The Managed Lives of Teenage Mothers. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8 (3) 253-254. Holm, G. & Cobern, W. (2006). "Urban Girls' Need to Be Heard," in B. J. McMahon & D. E. Armstrong (Eds.): Inclusion in Urban Educational Environments: Addressing Issues of Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice. JAI Press. Holm, G, & Farber, P. (2002). “Teaching in the Dark: The Geopolitical Knowledge and Global Awareness of the Next Generation of American Teachers,” International Studies in Sociology of Education, 12, 2 (129-144). Honkasalo, V., Souto, A.-M., & Suurpää, L. (2007). Mikä tekee nuorisotyöstä monikulttuurisen? Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, verkkojulkaisuja 16. Kailin, J. (1998-99). Preparing urban teachers for schools and communities: An anti-racist perspective. High School Journal, 82 80-88. Ladson-Billings, G. (2004). New directions in multicultural education. Complexities, boundaries, and critical race theory. In J.A. Banks & C.A. McGee Banks (Eds.) handbook of research in multicultural education (pp.50-65). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Lahdenperä, P. (Red.) (2004). Interkulturell pedagogik i teori och praktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Lehtinen, T. (2002). Immigrant children and the development of Finnish and Bilinguality in Class 1. Doctoral dissertation, University of Turku. Lewis, A. (2001) There is no “race” in the schoolyard: color-blind ideology in an (almost) all-white school. American Educational research Journal, 38, 4(781-811). Nairn, k., Higgins, J. & Sligo, J (2007). Youth researching youth: “Trading On” Subcultural Capital in Peer Research Methodologies. Teachers College Record. Retrieved 9.6.2007. Nieto, S. (2007). Affirming diversity. New York: Pearson. Phillips, A. (2007). Multiculturalism Without Culture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University press. Pollock, M. (2001) How the question we ask most about race in education is the very question we most suppress. Educational Researcher, 30, 9(2-12). Rastas, A. (2007). Rasismilasten ja nuorten arjessa. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools. Washington DC: Economic Policy Institute. Sacks, P. (2007). Bridging the culture gap. Teachers College Record. Retrieved 25.7.2007. Slavin, R. E. & Calderon, M (Eds.) (2001). Effective programs for Latino students. London: Lawrence Erlbaum. Sleeter, C. E. & Bernal, D.D. (2004). Critical pedagogy, critical race theory, and antiracist education. In J.A. Banks & C.A. McGee Banks (Eds.) handbook of research in multicultural education (pp.240-258). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Sleeter, C. E. & Grant, C. A. (2006) Making choices for multicultural education. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Suaréz-Orozco. & Suaréz-Orozco, M. (2001). Children of immigration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Talib, M. (2005). Eksotiikka vai ihmisarvoa. Opettajan monikulttuurisesta kompetenssista. Turku: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura. Thompson, A. (2002). For: Anti-racist education. Curriculum Inquiry, 29 (1), 7-44.
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