Session Information
07 SES 02A, Social Justice and Diversities
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Adams, M. J. (1990). Beginning to read: Thinking and learning about print. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Axelsson, M. (2000). Framgång för alla. Från att inte kunna – till att inte kunna låta bli att läsa [Success for all. From not knowing how – to not being able not to read]. In Åhl. H. (2000 ) Svenskan i tiden – verklighet och visioner. Stockholm: HLS Förlag. Axelsson, M., Rosander, C. & Sellgren, M. (2005). Stärkta trådar – flerspråkiga barn utvecklar språk, literacitet och kunskap [Strengthened threads – multilingual children developing language, literacy and knowledge]. Stockholm: Språkforskningsinstitutet i Rinkeby. Atkinson, D. (2002). Toward a sociocognitive approach to second language acquisition. The Modern Language Journal, 86(iv), 525-545. Au, K., H, & Raphael, T., E. (2000). Equity and literacy in the next millenium. Reading Research Quarterly, 35(1), 177-188. Barton, D. & Hamilton, M. (1998). Local literacies. Reading and writing in one community. London and New York: Routledge. Barton, D. (1994). Literacy. An introduction to the ecology of written language. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Bernstein, B. (1971). Class, code and control: Theoretical studies towards a society of language (Vol. 3). London: Routledge & Paul Kegan. Byrne, B., Wadsworth, S., Corley, R., Samuelsson, S., Quain, P., DeFries, J. C., Willcutt, E., & Olson, R.K. (2005). Longitudinal twin study of early literacy development: Preschool and Kindergarten phases. Scientific Studies of Reading, 9(3), 219-235. Damber, U. (2007). Beating the odds not easy but possible: on 94 grade three classes in Stockholm, overachieving in reading. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Reading, Berlin, Germany, August 5-8. Damber, U. (2007). Which discriminants characterize effective/ineffective grade three classes and what can be learnt about effective instruction from those descriptions? Paper presented at the 12th biennal conference for research on learning and instruction, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-September, 1. Damber, U. (2007). Läsning – en fråga om mer än bara läsning? [Reading – a question of more than just reading?]. Swedish Council of the International Reading Association: Läsning, 32(2), 14-19. Gee, J. P. (2001). Reading as situated language. A sociocognitive perspective. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 44(8), 714-725. Cummins, J. (1996). Negotiating identities: Education for Empowerment in a Diverse Society. Ontario: California Association for Bilingual Education. Cummins, J. (2000). Language, Power and Pedagogy. Bilingual children in the crossfire. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters LTD. Cummins, J. (2007). Pedagogies for the poor? Realigning reading instruction for low-income students with scientifically based reading research. Educational Researcher, 36(9), 564-573. Erickan, K. & Roth, W-M. (2007). What good is polarizing research into qualitative and quantitative? Educational Researcher, 35(5), 14-23. Freebody, P., & Luke, A. (2003). Literacy as engaging with new forms of life: the 'four roles' model. In G. Bull & M. Anstey (Eds.), The Literacy Lexicon. 2nd edn. (pp. pp. 52-57.). Sydney: Prentice Hall. Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding language scaffolding learning. Porthsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Gough, P. & Tunmer, W. (1986). Decoding, reading, and reading disability. Remedial and Special Education, 7, 6-10. Johnson, B. & Onwuegbuzie, A.J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 22(7), 14-26. Kristenson, M. (2007). Personal contact 2007-12-10. Kubota, R. (2004). Critical multiculturalism and second language education. In B. Norton & K. Toohey (Eds.), Critical pedagogics and language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kuyumcu, E. (1999). Språkutveckling hos tvåspråkiga turkiska barn – en forskningsöversikt i nationellt och internationellt perspektiv [Language development in Turkish bilingual children – a research review in national and international perspectives]. I M. Axelsson (red.). Tvåspråkiga barn och skolframgång – Mångfalden som resurs. Stockholm: Rinkeby språkforskningsinstitut. Levin, H. M. (1995). Raising educational productivity. In M. Carnoy (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education (pp. 283-291). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Luke, A. (2004). ´Two takes on the critical´, in B. Norton and K. Toohey (Eds.) Critical pedagogies and language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pavlenko, A. (2002) ´Poststructuralist approaches to the study of social factors in second language learning and use´, in V. Cook (Ed.) Portraits of the L2 user. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Peetsma, T. T. D. (2000). Future Time Perspective as a Predictor of School Investment Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 44(2), 177-192. Pressley, M., B. (1998). Reading instruction that works: The case for balanced teaching. New York NY: Guilford Press. Samuelsson, S., Byrne, B., Quain, P., Wadsworth, S., Corley, R., Defries, J., C., et al. (2005). Environmental and genetic influences on pre-reading skills in Australia, Scandinavia, and the United States. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97(4), 705-222. Sfard, A. (1998). On two methaphors for learning and the danger of just choosing one. Educational Researcher, 27(2), 4-13. Stanovich, K. (2000). Progress in understanding reading. Scientific foundations and new frontiers. New York: Guilford Press. Straw, S. B. (1990). The Actualization of Reading and Writing: Public Policy and Conceptualizations of Literacy. In S. P. Norris & L. M. Phillips (Eds.), Foundations of Literacy Policy in Canada. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd. Street, B.V. (1995). Social literacies. Critical approaches to literacy in development, ethnography and education. London: Longman Group Limited. Uljens, M. (2007). The hidden curriculum of PISA-The promotion of neo-liberal policy by educational assessment. In S.T. Hopmann, G. Brinek, & M. Retzl (Eds.), PISA according to PISA – Does PISA keep what it promises? Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, and London: LIT Verlag.
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