Session Information
17 SES 05, Paper Session
Paper Session
The very different school museums have always presented the history of education in very different ways, from exhibitions of modern school aids to historical museums that build confidence in the teachers’ profession, national, linguistic and cultural approaches, sometimes including propaganda or at least encouragement of the dominant cultural, political and pedagogical approaches. Such (near 450) museums in at least 30 European countries still vary greatly, from nostalgic collections, adding to what is on offer culturally, to the preservation of memory and tradition, and museums that seek modern approaches to the conveying of pedagogical traditions in the modern context. The history of Europe is also the history of different cultural and political influences, which is why the pedagogical history of European countries and their regions is also very diverse. How do different school museums present different pedagogical experiences? Only as nostalgia, academic analysis, (un)interesting tales or as some kind of attraction? Can the experience of the school past whereby a museum visitor participates in a historical lesson (research through participation) facilitate understanding of change over time and especially the development of pedagogical views and different practices? How can a presentation of the school past be an incentive for better teaching in the present? How much does a documented picture of the past help us to understand the present and to differentiate between the established methods in view of the constant modernisation and adaptation of school to social needs? Constant innovation in education sometimes presents already tried and tested educational methods as new. Can we move beyond the current issues of the educational present with a view to future developments through critical analysis and a fair presentation of a problematic and sometimes dissonant past? The author of the article also wonders how school museums can bring us face to face with the highways and byways of the pedagogical past and through critical analysis encourage us to assess the present in light of past experience.
Expected Outcomes
Boyer, M., Comment mettre en espace l’éducation? How to stage education? In: La Lettre de l’OCIM, n°128, mars-avril 2010, pp. 21-29.;; - Hübner, M., Die deutschen Schulmuseen (=Veröffentlichungen des Städtischen Schulmuseums zu Breslau 5). Breslau 1904; Die ausländischen Schulmuseen (= Veröff. 6). Breslau 1906; - Krebs, U., "Identity as an interdisciplinary Concept and as a Goal of Museums." In: Zeitschrift f. Museum und Bildung 68-69/2008; pp. 118-125; - Linares, M. C.; Museos pedagógicos, museos escolares, museos de historia de la educación. ; - Nitsch, Ulla M.: Schule wandert ins Museum. Eine kritische Rekonstruktion der Musealisierung von Schul- und Pädagogikgeschichte 1977-1997, Wiedler-Verlag Berlin 2001; - Oelbauer, D., „Aus dem Land der Schulmuseen“. Lehrmittelausstellungen und Schulmuseen in Bayern zwischen 1875 und 1945. Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg – Diss. 2010.; - Peña Saavedra, V., Kratki zapiski o pedagoških muzejih na Iberskem polotoku = Some brief notes on educational museums on the Iberian Peninsula. In: Šolska kronika/School chronicle: journal for the history of schooling and education ISSN: 1318-6728.- 18(42), No 1 (2009), pp. 211–222; - Peña Saavedra, V., ed. Os museos da educación en Internet. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia, 2004; - Pizzigoni, F. D., Šolski muzeji v Italiji: kratek pregled = School museums in Italy: a short overview, Šolska kronika/School chronicle: journal for the history of schooling and education ISSN: 1318-6728.- 18(42), No 1 (2009), pp. 223–229; - Šuštar, B., Školnye muzei Evropy: mnogoobrazie podhodov = Images of musealization of education in some school museums in Europe. In: Voprosy muzeologii = The Problems of museology ISSN: 2219-6269. St. Petersburg 2012, pp. 80-96; - Šuštar, B., Podobe Slovenskega šolskega muzeja po 1898: identitete muzeja skozi zgodovino.=Images of the Slovenian School Museum since 1898: museum identities through the history. In: Argo: journal of the Slovene museums ISSN: 0570-8869.- 50, No. 2 (2007), pp. 54-68; - Šuštar, B., Šolska muzeja na Norveškem (Bergen in Oslo) in Danski šolski muzej v Københavnu. = Two school museums in Norway (Bergen and Oslo) and the Danish School Museum in Copenhagen. In: Šolska kronika/School chronicle: journal for the history of schooling and education ISSN: 1318-6728.- 18(42), No 1 (2009), pp. 230-246; - Zeitschrift für Museum und Bildung 67/2007- Zur Rolle von Schul- und Kindermuseum im 21. Jahrhundert, Berlin, LIT Verlag; - Žvanut, M., 2007. Slovenski jezik: Identiteta in simbol. Kratka zgodovina Slovencev / Slovene language: Identity and Symbol. A short history of Slovenes. Ljubljana.
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