Session Information
02 SES 10 B, VET and the World of Business
Paper Session
Due to the increasing number of business and administrative occupations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and to demographic developments, a discussion has emerged about how many different occupations and training regulations are needed in the field, However, we have no empirically based knowledge of the relevant qualifications in those occupations. We only have studies in special fields and branches like finance sector, sale-sector, dialog marketing and others. A big four year project at the federal institute of VET in Germany (BIBB) had a closer look to answer the following questions :
- Have the business and administrative occupations a shared historical tradition?
- What are the similarities and the differences between the occupations?
- Do commercial employees have a common traditional mentality?
- Are there similarities between the occupations in German-speaking countries?
- What makes the difference of qualifications between the level of apprenticeship (EQR 4) and further training regulations (EQF 6)?
- Are there references on codes of conduct and values for ethic and moral issues and sustainable development in the regulations?
- How can we group occupations and develop core qualifications?
Looking at traditional business management models, economic theories and new approaches in the services economy the special function of business employees can be found and some similarities of the qualification requirements can be found. The actual training regulations in the dual system in the countries are a useful illustration of the skills that are needed in specialized work situations in that field because they are developed together with appropriate operational experts and sometimes in combination with qualification research.
The contribution will show the methodological design of the project, the main findings and following steps that can be made
Expected Outcomes
Brötz, R.; Schapfel-Kaiser, F (edit).:Anforderungen an kaufmännisch-betriebswirtschaftliche Berufe aus berufspädagogischer und soziologischer Sicht. Bonn 2009 Brötz, R.; Schapfel-Kaiser, F.: Gemeinsamkeiten in kaufmännischen Ausbildungsberufen ermitteln. Zwischenergebnisse einer computergestützten Dokumentenanalyse. In: Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis 39 (2010) 4, S. 26-30 Kaiser, F. :Dienstleistungskunst und kaufmännische Berufsbilder. In: Munz u.a.: Die Kunst der guten Dienstleitung. Bielefeld 2012, S 221-235. Kaiser, F.: Was kennzeichnet Kaufleute? – Ihr berufliches Denken und Handeln aus historischer, soziologischer und ordnungspolitischer Perspektive. In: Faßhauer, U.; Fürstenau, B.; Wuttke, E. (Hrsg.): Berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogische Analysen. Opladen 2012, S.165-177 Annen, S.; Tiemann, M.: Similarities and differences between commercial and business service occupations – theoretical concepts and empirical results. Paper in proceedings of the Canada International Conference on Education 2013 Kaiser, F.: Branch and task specific vocational education and training or broadly based skills profiles for commercial employees? Different approaches to training in commercial and business management occupations in Switzerland, Sweden and German. In: Nordic journal of VET, Vol 3 2014 Brötz, R.; Kaiser, F.: Innenansichten und Perspektiven der kaufmännischen Berufsfamilie. In: WSI-Mitteilungen Schwerpunktheft „Berufliche Facharbeit“ 1/2014, p. 34-42
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